No... I don't think that you do! Here's why that is relevant to the discussion at hand. Winamp eventually became concerned with being your one stop media press center and looooOOoooOoved throwing all sorts of spyware shit to those assholes at Nullsoft. "But why would I care?!?!" I can see mouthing those words already, in your underwear. Because nobody on the goddamn planet can be at all trusted to ensure the populace's privacy for even a MODICUM of time.Gwampa, Winamp 3 was a wash, we all get it.Anyone running a version of Winamp that starts with a number "3" or beyond is too stupid to be taken seriously.
You never read any of the dozens of books on the subject because where you are from wood is a resource that stops the freaks from coming down from the mountains and eating you -- t'ain't gonna be used for books. Is a book going to stop that eight foot monster with a naturally inbred forked tongue from coming down to market and creating havoc? Not a fucking chance. Not if it's a pocket book and unfortunately for your own literacy even a blathering-on social mope like Orwell was able to wrap up the simplistic concept of loss of privacy in less than three hundred pages. Great for those of us who got the point, bad for those of us who might need the hardcover in a rust belt genetic war.
Unfortunately in this case there isn't an earlier version of Fate. Well, technically there is, it's called Nethack. But this guy found the most addicting genre around and wrote a shell for his spyware around it. Great for him. Bad for Americans! It's bad because of the precedent it sets.
Well, it's true. You're essentially telling me that someone can choose to do whatever they want to your computer and so long as you get the miniscule sense of pleasure from getting, shit, I don't know, the amulet of thrusting +2 you're going to be wide open to any sort of invasion.Worm wrote:Can I interject here? All queer internet cock slapping aside. Fuck you. Fuck you for that part right there. You shithead.What the hell are you talking about? You and Ben are the ones defending WildTangent and you'd be defending Stardock and SecureRom
WildTangent right now claims to throw up "stats." You're trusting these guys to have programmed their stuff well enough that an attack through their system can't be intiated by someone else. You're trusting that they're not doing more. You're trusting that your machine doesn't become a zombie box to be used to DoS someone who posts a negative review -- you're doing a lot of trusting. I would be willing to say that in real life you wouldn't trust a guy hitchhiking his way into town but if he had a handheld Diablo clone for you to play you'd hand him your keys and trust that it all worked out for the best.
Fuck man... why??
Oh, but it's different for Stardock. Whatever.
Don't play to the card while I'm here, damn you. I made you who you are today and can tear you down just as easily.and all that other shit as well if the subject came up. You two are the unyielding gamers who will basically do what you're told. Not that either of you have multiple PCs but when you do you'll be Mister Billion and Mister Billion and One to have a completely unsecure wireless network as well. I mean Ben I can understand -- he's hopeless -- but you'll be providing a free Internet hot spot to everyone in Forty Fort including the men that killed your brother.
V, can you delete Public Enemy - Fight the Power off this kids playlist?
I... okay, I should allow spyware on my system TODAY because eventually MSDN will allow for useage stats to be uploaded through the operating system layer and that will go over just fine in a world where an all-but-useless serial number hook placed onto the chip gave the company the biggest black eye in the history of IT.Yeah, die in 10 years plz, because in 20 when surveys are majorly eliminated when the new version of Windows takes statistics, your face will be so red, it's going to burn you and everyone you ever loved to death.
...Maybe you should find some non-corporate-industry to be a fan of?
... ONE guy making Diablo in his basement is now a "corporation."
No, you weren't ever pissed. Pinner didn't even know. You gulped down whatever you were told to and it's this spineless copping to someone telling you what your computer will and won't do that disgusts me.Honestly, what the fuck have you ever expected? You can call me and pinner shit eaters for not being pissed. It just didn't take a article about Piracy and the game 'Fate' to just RIGHT NOW get us pissed off about things. We've been pissed, we got over it, and that's life.