What's to potty train? You show them where the box is, put them in it, and let nature do the rest. Both of the cats I "potty trained" took all of 2 minutes to figure out what the box was for.
I always liked grey cats like that. We wanted to get one when we moved into the house and were all set to go to Lollypop Farms (aka: animal shelter around here) to get one, by my sister-in-law's parents had a litter of cats they wanted to get rid of. We've had our nice longhaired orange calico for 5 years now. I'm told that female orange calicos are rare, but I've never actually investigated to see if that's true or not.
That's absolutely right. The minute a kitten eats solid food, you put it into the box. Within 10 minutes it will go, and will forever go in the box. I used to potty train the Siamese kittens my mother raised, and not a single one in 15 years didn't get it. Ignore it sometimes, sure.
chris wrote:What's to potty train? You show them where the box is, put them in it, and let nature do the rest. Both of the cats I "potty trained" took all of 2 minutes to figure out what the box was for.
Does it work in reverse? Like say, they puke all the time?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Does it work in reverse? Like say, they puke all the time?
Oh no, you can't make them puke in the litter box. I do have my cat trained to not puke on the hardwood floors (a swift asskicking after she did it the first time convinced her of that). She doesn't puke often though, despite being a longhaired cat with an owner who doesn't brush her nearly often enough.