Halloween Costume Thread

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Post by Lex »

No, you're right, it's more like 27.

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Post by AArdvark »

http://forums.i-club.com/forums/showthr ... did=268231

I gotta put this here (also)


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Da King
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Post by Da King »

Dude... that is one EERIE looking halloween picture of you. The pasty white skin and green hair are bad enough... but the redeye generated by the photo just puts you over the edge. Yeeesh.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The real horror is, the skin color was genuine.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by loafergirl »

Robb - sweet costume, and glad to have been of some assistance. I have to see if I can get pictures of my custume(s) this year.

To actual party (the drunken friendly bash) I was indeed Bubbles of the powerpuff girls, blonde wig, blue dress that I made in 2 hours with material and a hot glue gun, white stockings attached with (of all things) duct tape as I couldn't find my garter belt in time, and high heel black maryjanes.

To the work party (the I-can't-beleive-someone-was-so-stupid-to-have-picked-this-moronic-scheme) I was a sheep. There are about 5 call center supervisors each with a number of reps that they are in charge of. Each team chose a theme, we were Noahs Arc. I asked to be a duckbill platapus, vetoed, a three toed sloth, also declined. I figured if I was going to be an animal I might as well be a really cool animal, but instead I was a sheep. The only bonus to this costume was that in making it I was able to destroy an AOHELL t-shirt by spending 3 hours hot gluing 300 cottonballs on it. I wore that over a black turtle-neck and also wore black slacks along with a headband that had sheep ears and a sheep nose. It actually looked pretty cool, and I got at least 5 people to burst out laughing upon sight of me.

1, 2, 5!
3 sir...

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Post by AArdvark »

I woulda went as an aardvark..........


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