Battlefield 2

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Battlefield 2

Post by Worm »

It's pretty fucking fun!

Much like the previous games it features classes who imploy various tools to FUCK YOU UP!

New additions!

These defibrillators let you bring back wounded teammates as a medic. The only problem seems that any death is a wound, even the tenth kill after a guy has be brought back with the pads.

These are Claymores. A sniper can use them and they are very neat in that they can be put where you are luring an enemy or used to protect you from being snuck up on as a sniper.

These are really cool. They work like the detpacks from 1942 except they stick to tanks and you can make your own car bomb with them.

The game play functions as follows: Single players can create/join squads or apply for commander. As a player you can request the commander does things and spot enemies on the map, if they are on your screen and you spot the right type it will be revealed temporarly on your teammates map.

As a squad leader you can make requests and order squad to do things. You also can serve as a spawn point for your underlings. If you are in command of a vehicle they can spawn inside that.

As a commander you can place supplies, UAV(Reveals a small circle area to all players), Scan(Reveals the entire map to you briefly, and artillery. You can zoom in and actually watch the battle, and create precision artillery strikes. You can spot anyone anywhere on the map as you would as a single player. You can order squads specfically to defend, attack, destroy, or repair targets. There are rankings that let you unlock decals, new weapons (one per class), and other crap.
Good point Bobby!

Posts: 3626
Joined: Sat Aug 24, 2002 12:53 am
Location: tucked away between the folds of your momma, safe

Post by Worm »

You guys fucking suck.
Good point Bobby!

Posts: 3626
Joined: Sat Aug 24, 2002 12:53 am
Location: tucked away between the folds of your momma, safe

Post by Worm »

Dirtbags! I have had trouble bringing myself to play Battlefield 2. I still like it, it's still the best Multiplayer FPS I've played in awhile, I'm still aces at it, though I run into a kind of wall. There is a rating system.

Oh wait.
Exploits Update (7/6)

I am extremely happy to report that, as of this morning, EA has been actively resetting or deleting accounts that have been most obviously abusing the rank system. With this good news, I have turned off the "exploit detection" on this site. If they do a stand up job, which I am thinking they will, I may remove it from the package entirely.
Okay, I will continue playing this game. If anyone wants to start up a squad that'd be great. I have all the mediocre Qt3 players on my Xfire thing. I'm jbernoski on it. I bought a computer that could run it many months back for 800 bux. I also have a 3d card that can run it if you want it. I'll be shipping UPS.
Good point Bobby!

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