What's this shit? The "Marvel guys" were very high on showing the actor's face? The fuck? Any "Marvel guys" that have something to do with an FF movie ought to shut the fuck up if they are big on DOCTOR FUCKING DOOM not wearing his fucking mask.The Fantastic Four: MTV talked with writer Doug Petrie who elaborated on details he spilled last week about the script for the comic adaptation which he's now comparing a lot to the Beatles movie: "The big reason I got hired was that the scripts that were done before, by pretty big-name guys, were origin stories. [The other scripts] were very big on 'these are astronauts that go to space' for the first, like, half-hour. It was something like 'Armageddon.' I just kept saying it's got to be like 'A Hard Day's Night'. To the world outside, they are the world's coolest superheroes. [But] when they get home, they just fight with each other about everything. They order pizzas and argue about who gets the better costumes and stuff like that. It's a family comedy when they get behind closed doors". Paul Walker, Charlize Theron, John C. Reilly and Alexis Denisof as the team with Jude Law as Dr. Doom are Petrie's dream casting choices for the parts, and Petrie went on to elaborate a lot about the look of Dr. Doom: "He gets screwed out of the superpowers, so he made himself who he is. ... The Marvel guys were very high on showing the actor's face. ... I hope I'm not spilling too many secrets. But I got caught up with how to show his face but keep the scariness of a guy in a mask. I wanted the big reveal to be [that] the mask is a high-tech thing that can separate and retract off his face when he wants it to. You see that he's unbelievably handsome. ... But it doesn't end there. When he's handsome, he's lying. When his real character comes out, his face starts to sag and melt and scarify in this horrible way. And what you learn is that his face got so smashed upon his re-entry - he was one of the original astronauts - he's literally falling apart. And the mask is the only thing keeping him together". Thanks to 'Ryan' & 'FanHalen'.
Before I had always said, "if you don't want a comic book inspired mask to be on your face for your little movie, actor, then don't be in a comic book movie." (This is why Affleck rules, as he is the only "name" actor I know of who is cool with portraying a masked character wearing said mask.) But if Quesada and Jemas are behind this -- which I fully believe, seeing the nonsense that went on in Iron Man and Captain America a while back -- then you really have to wonder what the hell is wrong with them.
What are the odds that the Thing keeps his "human" face for this? Pretty damn good, I'd say.