Attention BBS. I am quite sick.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Attention BBS. I am quite sick.

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Thus my being completely divorced from the ongoings, hijinx and all-around mischief usually contained wherein. Sleep has been my friend... well, actually, more like some kind of teasing bitch goddess more than friend... but that just doesn't roll off the tongue.

So, my continued appreciation for you all keeping it real in this place in my absentia.

(Also, did we ever get a confirmation on just what size bears ate Clash? That's really been bugging me.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Audience »


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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Yesterday, I called in to work sick after being ghastly hung over (thank you five shots of rumple minze, one long island iced tea, and three seven and seven doubles); I was going to blame it on food poisoning if questioned (because of those four questionable week and a half old enchiladas I ate when I got home).

Then today, I overslept for some ungodly reason, the interesting thing being that what woke me up was a dream in which someone pointed out to me that hey, didn't I work today?

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Post by Lex »

I got woken up by an almost-dream of a famine in Pencaitland -- my little village. I wake up, and in the car to Uni that day I hear that almost all of Ethiopia as going to starve to death shortly. Psychic link? You decide...

Also: 8-year-old-kids being resigned to death rather than the constant hunger; that's just not right. give your money NOW or you are all evil. Jonsey didn't get any fucking Chicken Soup, so there's some cash right there.

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