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Post by Radi0m »



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bruce wrote:
Lex wrote:Edit: Bruce, that sounds like an old post; I read somewhere that the PS3 is using an Nvidia set up. Is it very recent, or what? "X-box 2" also doesn't impress me with it's futuristic nomenclature.
Yeah, it's old.

Still, it's right: there's very little hardware differentiation between these three consoles.

?????? Actually, there's much.

The X360 and Rev both use PowerPC-based chips - Nintendo hasn't announced the specs on theirs, but I would say that it's likely that the Nintendo one will be a single-core instead of the three-core in the X360. It very well may be clocked lower. Both also use ATI cards, but again, the Rev will be much lower power.

The PS3 uses the Cell processor, which is 100% new, and in the PS3 will feature something like eight subprocessors, each of which is directed by the master Cell, which can also do its own processing - all running at 3.2gHz. Hence, the two teraflops number. It also has nVidia video - and, from what the devs were saying, it sounds like it probably runs some form of unix, as the devs mentioned OpenGL and Linux as being used for development. (So it should be much easier for them than the PS2.)

Saying that the PowerPC and the Cell are similar because they're both made by IBM is like saying that the Pentium 2 and the Alpha are similar because Intel was making both for a while. (Or the Xscale, for God's sake.)

And that's only the processor. There's a lot of other hardware in these machines.
ICJ wrote:I simply had to move out to the other room so Vitriola can get some sleep without the clickety-clack going on.
You're welcome, buddy! (I'll take credit for the current use of a loud keyboard by RobB.)

Bruce: Backwards compatability = "top selling games" - I would expect that you'll see it support maybe 10 Xbox games (if that) when shipped. Perhaps as time goes by they'll offer downloadable updates to increase compatability. But them saying that it's on their "top selling titles" is hardly what they SHOULD be saying. As the for quoted fudgepacker - wrong on nearly all counts. For example, the Cell is designed by Sony, IBM, Toshiba, and maybe one other company whose name escapes me at the moment - this is not a case of "pick a processor off the shelf."

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Post by pinback »

COWARD! Come out from the shadows of your own SHAME and show yourself!!
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Post by bruce »

Anonymous wrote: The PS3 uses the Cell processor, which is 100% new...Saying that the PowerPC and the Cell are similar because they're both made by IBM is like saying that the Pentium 2 and the Alpha are similar because Intel was making both for a while.
No, saying the Cell is like the PPC is like saying, "You know what? The Cell is a PPC with some DSP processors on-die with it."


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Post by Worm »

Wow, hardware's different or not?
  1. GO TO BED.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lysander »

I think it's about time we resurrect this thread now that it's closer to launch date for the three systems. Whaddia think, guys? Huh? Huh guys?

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Post by Lex »

I think Nintendo releasing a cheap USB WiFi router for DS users is cool. It means the 8-year-olds will be able to get online, and then we can go into their Animal Crossing games and completly fuck up their virtual lives. I am going to bury half the town, lock others in their houses and then catch thousands of insects, placing them all in his house, driving him to the point of insanity.

I will create an army of Animal Crossing griefers. The best bit is people get really attached to their villages, and will spend hundreds of hours trying to put the damage right.

At which poin't we'll burn down their houses.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Lysander wrote:I think it's about time we resurrect this thread now that it's closer to launch date for the three systems. Whaddia think, guys? Huh? Huh guys?
Since Microsoft is coming out first, won't Sony simply lie about the specs of the Playstation III and therefore convince hordes of stupid fanboys that their vaporware is superior to Microsoft's actual, physical product?

But then, if the PS3 came out first, Sony would act on the momentum and bury the Xbox.

All I know is that I saw a screenshot of Madden 2006 and it looked STRANGELY DIFFERENT from digital pictures they took of Mike Strahan earlier. That's Electronic Arts for you... they are perfect at being the bad guy. "Here are some photos we took with a telescopic lens! Madden 2007!! Here is Michael Vick in person, shaking your hand! Madden 2008!"

Oh, and the bug in Madden this year where you can tell if it's a run or a pass based on color is the height of comedy. The entire game is ruined. RUINED. EA is, of course, deleteing message threads and denying that it's a bug. Anyone who bought a Madden game over their competitors more than once deserves exactly what they get.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Shit. Re-reading the title, I addressed my concerns with the TITLE of this thread. I'm a broken record. FUCK.
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Post by Lysander »


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Post by Lysander »

Yeah, and like they said, almost six months difference in arguably the most widely-anticipated product in console history is not exactly vaporware.

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Post by Worm »

Nintendo just doesn't know what it's doing.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lysander »

Okay, so... what does Sony have that the Xbox 360 can't do better? Name one thing. Please.

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Post by Worm »

The PS3 is going to have games I want, Katamari Damacy 3, Gradius VI, and so on. The PS3 has games that people care about, hell, even the Rev will have games people care about and a really fucking stupid controller. X-Boxer will never get games people care about. Those who like Halo aren't people.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Lex »

Halo is an excellent game, but overrated. Halo 2 is an alright multiplayer game, but a real let-down after 1.

Everyone thought the DS was a retarded idea, but it's selling ridiculous amounts of units. Nintendogs alone broke a million within 4 hours of being on sale. Most people are not rubbishing the Revolution controller, because they've seen Nintendo's retarded ideas work once before.

3rd parties won't be too pissed off, because the "expansion port" at the base of the stick can plug into classical controllers or other doodads.

I quit like the idea, because many games will choose to come with simple add-ons or bits of plastic to increase the experience or just for the hell of it: A Star Wars game will certainly come out with a Lightsabre handle to slip it into, for example.



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Post by AArdvark »

I am starting to become frightened by the array of controller options becoming available for the new Nintendo. I would never actually buy a Nintendo system because I have better things to do with my income. Wireless was the biggest step. Are they the UV line of sight type or the RF radio type? The UV type suck like monkeys because the room needs to be rather dark and they are only good for twelve to twenty feet away. Same as a reg'lar TV remote. Then hooking them up to some kind of hand held steering wheel? Scary stuff...


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Post by Lex »

The Revolution Controller uses a combination of two small devices beside your TV to triangulate the exact position of the controller(s), and a new "Eye" which doesn't work by detecting pixel-missing photons (I can't remember what they're called) like regular handguns. It is something new which can detect exactly where you're pointing at the screen from 15 feet away.

Using both means as well as swinging it around as a sword if you feel the urge, the Rev can detect movement towards the screen and away from, and tilting. The demo they used was a fishing game where you flick the controller, then literally move it around to position it in a lake. A version of Mercury that actually works as advertised, unlike the PSP version where they scrapped the motion detector, would be very cool. Tilting the level at tiny degrees will be very cool.
You know when you give a controller to a non-gamer, and they wave it about, expecting it to make a difference? This time it actually will. They may well actually capture the non-gamer market with this.

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Post by Worm »

Lex wrote:Halo is an excellent game, but overrated. Halo 2 is an alright multiplayer game, but a real let-down after 1.
Yeah, and that is IT for the entire x-box.
Everyone thought the DS was a retarded idea, but it's selling ridiculous amounts of units.
Hey, it's still retarded, people are retarded too.
Nintendogs alone broke a million within 4 hours of being on sale.
It barks when 12 year old girls are around! I'm sure you're happy about this Lex.
I quit like the idea, because many games will choose to come with simple add-ons or bits of plastic to increase the experience or just for the hell of it: A Star Wars game will certainly come out with a Lightsabre handle to slip it into, for example.
Yeah, but aren't we really just looking at a fucking gimmick here? Fishing(doesn't even have a reel), sword fighting, light gun games, and that is it for what a posistional controller can be used for. It's so limited that it's just a shitty gimmick that producers will want to use rather than entertaining classic methods of gaming.

Everyone who wants to talk about this shit like this is an Economy BBS fuck off. I don't care what market they capture, I don't care about the dividends you earn from your company share, I just don't give a shit.

It's a stupid gimmicky controller that I don't care about. None of my favorite games use a posistional joystick because there are no good games for a posistional joystick. None of my favorite games will get sequels on the x-box because OMGOGMGO HALO 3! Obviously, I'm going with PS3, and probably then only on the day that I can put a mod chip in it.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by AArdvark »

Because I'd rather here it here than a google search; does the new NIN have any way to hook into a regular controller? Say some of us don't want to use the newfangled thingie, can we go old skool?


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Post by Worm »

AArdvark wrote:Because I'd rather here it here than a google search; does the new NIN have any way to hook into a regular controller? Say some of us don't want to use the newfangled thingie, can we go old skool?

There's a classic controller shell, this is IGN's mockup.
Q: What does the conventional controller cradle/shell do?

A: This add-on makes it possible to play Revolution games in a more traditional manner. The shell is designed to look and function like accepted "regular" controllers, such as the Wave Bird. After its bottom casing is removed, the Revolution's free-hand-style remote is inserted into a gap in the middle of the controller shell. Gamers can then use the shell as they would a traditional controller, with a notable difference: the pointer remote's sensory functionality remains active. As a result, gamers get the best of both worlds: more buttons and two analog sticks along with motion-sensing operations. In a Revolution version of Madden Football, gamers might be able to use the combo to control players with the shell's analog sticks and execute pinpoint passes with the pointer's improved accuracy.
If they don't over use the gimmick, hooray! Though what's the point of having a gimmick then?
Good point Bobby!

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