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Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Yeah, I bet nessman drinks neither.

The Judge

Post by The Judge »

Da King wrote:Easy there Foxworthy. How exactly does Canadian beer and Cuervo tequila (give the Mehicans credit for doing something right with their cheap labour) make someone a redneck?!
Rednecks love cheap crap which they think is good which in fact is bottom-barrel. But I've lived in the South, so I know how hard it can be to find anything other than substandard crap.
(and yes, Canadians, and I guess ther Germans, are the ONLY ones that can make good beer)
I've been lurking on this BBS for quite a while, and I've heard many idiotic things stated, but we have a new winner. Congratulations.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Who the hell do you think makes good beer, Judgely? The fucking Scots?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

The Judge

Post by The Judge »

Yes, oh arbiter of all things shitty. The scots make fabulous beer. As do the Belgians. As do the Germans. Hell, even the goddamn CANADIANS on rare occasion can fashion up a decent brew (though this man was talking about Molson, and I don't even wanna think about it any longer.)

But you know what country makes, in my opinion, the best beer? Because they make all the styles of all of the above countries, and they make them, in general, just as well as the finest breweries in said countries? Because they have most of the best ingredients available on the planet to make beer with? You know what country that is?

That country is the United States of America, home to most of the world's best beer.

Suck on that.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Just so that we are all on the same page here -- the best beer that I have ever had is probably Molson Ice. I don't know, maybe Fat Tire is right up there as well. But anyway. What American beers am I supposed to like more than Molson? I just want to be sure that I know where you are coming from.

Because if you say "Genesee" or something, I'm going to come through your screen and punch you.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

The Judge

Post by The Judge »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:the best beer that I have ever had is probably Molson Ice.
I need to be heading out for a bit right now, so I'll get back to this later, but let me just say, so you have something to chew on: Ha ha ha ha ha.

The funny thing is, I don't doubt that the best beer you've ever had was Molson Ice. That's the really sad part.

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Post by bruce »

I suspect that the Judge is a big fan of A.P. Hill's Amissville Trollbrau, but that's just a guess.


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Post by gsdgsd »

The Czechs make the best beer in the world, bitches. The Czechs.

They've contributed a lot to me typing this at 4 a.m. tonight, too. Tomorrow they'll contribute to me throwing up. And in the person of Milan Hejduk, they've contributed a lot to my fantasy hockey team tonight.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The Judge wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:the best beer that I have ever had is probably Molson Ice.
I need to be heading out for a bit right now, so I'll get back to this later, but let me just say, so you have something to chew on: Ha ha ha ha ha.

The funny thing is, I don't doubt that the best beer you've ever had was Molson Ice. That's the really sad part.
I'm just curious as to what "the standard" ought to be, paw. That's all.

Also: this is all relative, right? Because obviously every single beer in the world tastes like yak piss on its best day, and no one would really CHOOSE to drink it if they weren't trying to get drunk. I mean, we all agree on this, right? Right? Good.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by ChainGangGuy »

My current beverages:

Vodka - Kettle One
Whiskey - Gentleman Jack
Tequila - Patron
Gin - Bombay
Rum - Bacardi 8

Plus a wide array of cordials!

Oh, as for beer I prefer Maclay's Oat Stout, but as I haven't seen that in ages, I currently drink Amberbock -- only because someone donated two cases to me.


Post by Announcer! »

Yes, ChainGangGuy, your worst fears have all suddenly come true, and so you shall forever be known as THE THREAD-KILLER!

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Post by AArdvark »

Did I call this or what? Top 10 best thread material!

One of the main reasons why Canada has such good beer is that the government does not regulate the alcohol percentage.

That is why a nice Molon Export (armadillo) is better enjoyed if you do the exporting yourself. By the case. In the trunk. But be sure to declare it or you will waste hours explaning to customs officials why you are such a liar.

Never had a Scottish beer, but if it's anything like Cutty Sark it's bound to be good.



Post by Deflowerman »

Ach, indeed! I have not had many a Scottish beer, but ah've certainly had me many a HAWT SCOTTISH LAYDEE!! You've ne'er tasted anythan so SWEET, mah friend Vark! Sweet lawk candeed roses!!


Post by Ben »

Seriously, guys, if you want to talk about decent beer, even decent Canadian beer, mention Thunder Bay at least, or some of the smaller craft breweries they've got up there.

But don't talk about Molson being decent beer. It offends the baby Jesus. Molson is, perhaps, a wee step above American mega-brews such as Budweiser/Coors/Miller/etc., but just a wee step indeed.

Any country can make swill if they put their mind to it.

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Da King
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Post by Da King »

The Judge wrote:I've been lurking on this BBS for quite a while, and I've heard many idiotic things stated, but we have a new winner. Congratulations.
The fuck is this??

PLEASE tell me its some underaged Euro.

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Da King
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Post by Da King »

The Judge wrote:Hell, even the goddamn CANADIANS on rare occasion can fashion up a decent brew (though this man was talking about Molson, and I don't even wanna think about it any longer.)
No, THIS man is strictly a Labatts drinker.

Although, yes, I WILL drink Molson before any American-made brew.

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Da King
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Post by Da King »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Just so that we are all on the same page here -- the best beer that I have ever had is probably Molson Ice. I don't know, maybe Fat Tire is right up there as well. But anyway. What American beers am I supposed to like more than Molson? I just want to be sure that I know where you are coming from.

Because if you say "Genesee" or something, I'm going to come through your screen and punch you.
Or anything made by... is it Adirondack? Whoever makes the 12 Shitty Beers of Christmas.

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Da King
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Post by Da King »

AArdvark wrote:That is why a nice Molon Export (armadillo) is better enjoyed if you do the exporting yourself. By the case. In the trunk. But be sure to declare it or you will waste hours explaning to customs officials why you are such a liar.
Did this actually happen to you? Bwa-ha-ha...

I always declare all my alcohol. If they really want to charge the duty on my extra 2 or 3 cases (which would amount to like $10 to them)... good for them. Otherwise, I fully plan on taking advantage of any trip over the border to purchase many cases of Labatts Maximum Ice.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »


Once, when Da King and Ice Cream Jonsey were returning from Canada to New York (with a bit of beer in the back of Da King's truck) we were greeted at the border by a large woman who looked especially MANNISH.

This woman asked us, "Do you have anything to declare?"

And what did DAK happen to say?

"No, sir! I mean, no ma'am." While laughing at his mistake and getting me to laugh at the same thing.

She must have really been a man -- or at least some sort of chix-with-dix construct -- because she let us into the United States without further discussion.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by bruce »

Da King wrote: Or anything made by... is it Adirondack? Whoever makes the 12 Shitty Beers of Christmas.
Do you mean Saranac? They make Adirondack Amber.

Their beer isn't bad. It ain't great, but it's better than Leinie's.

My favorite shitty mass-produced beer is Shiner Bock. It got me through college and it's like mother's milk to me.


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