Does this look right?

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Does this look right?

Post by pinback »

I have no idea what I'm doing. Whaddya do, water 'em or something?


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Post by Worm »

Yeah, if they droop, that probably means you've forgotten to water them.
Good point Bobby!


Post by Vitriola »

If the soil contracts and pulls away from the edges, you're going to have to fix that before watering again, otherwise alot of the water will just spill down the open edges. Just repack soil and stuff some down the edges, or, if you have any left over, put some of that down. Soil may also sink alot if you didn't pack well, or water may stand if you packed too well or had a really cheap kind of potting soil which did not allow for aeration.

You now have to let them speak to you. Ultimately, you want medium green leaves with soil that allows water easily. You will also want to fertilize lightly with every watering with something like fish emulsion (which I like because it's natural) or some chemically manufactured fertilizer, and then every 4th watering or so just use plain water and let run through the holes in the bottom lots so you do not get salt buildup. If you do not have holes in the bottom, you will need them. Alot of fertilizers say water once a month with some large amount, but I wouldn't. If you water every week, just divide that number by 3 and do it that way.

I bought 3 basil plants this summer, and I had them down to stubs a month later. I need to get the bush-sized plants.

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