Ben's Famous "I Can't Fucking Believe I'm Making Organic Vegan Chili" Organic Vegan Chili
This, I could not have foreseen. Anyway:
2 organic yellow onions
6 cloves organic garlic
4 organic serrano chiles (optional)
2 tbsp organic cumin seed, freshly ground
3 tbsp organic Worcestershire sauce
1 cup organic vegetable broth
1 28 oz can organic diced tomatoes
1 14 oz can organic garbanzo beans
1 14 oz can organic soy beans
Some salt, sugar, pepper, cayenne to taste.
- Dice and saute onions in 2 tbsp olive oil
- Chop and throw in chiles
- Mince and throw in garlic, and ground cumin, cook until garlic aromatic and cumin lightly toasted
- Throw in tomatoes, beans, broth, Worcestershire, salt, sugar, pepper, cayenne.
- Simmer covered for 20-30 minutes.
- Simmer uncovered until thickened to desired consistency.
- Be sure to serve with God-approved bread for dipping/instant dumplings.
And you know what?
It's pretty goddamn good.
(Thanks to Vitriola for the original inspiration for this dish. I would fret over my chili for hours, and then she'd make something quite similar to this, but with meat (because she is an animal-hater), and just whip it together in nothing flat, and it was better than my finely-crafted shit.)