Is he sucking her brains out there? I don't know lol!

What's this shit? Who knows?
Did anyone buy this? It's not actually good, is it?
Moderators: AArdvark, Ice Cream Jonsey
Seriously? I know there are three ways you finish the game(things that preceede the credits), two of which involve losing against a different final boss. The rest of the endings seemed like different "YOU LOSE" variations. Unless the endings in that one FAQ are lacking.Lex wrote:And much like Jade Empire it's a game you shouldn't play if you can only enjoy a game you can 100%: It has something like 12 different endings depending on how great a murderrer and shitty a cop you are (for bonus points, try leaving your ID badge at a scene)
Hey there, bud.Lex wrote:And much like Jade Empire it's a game you shouldn't play if you can only enjoy a game you can 100%: It has something like 12 different endings depending on how great a murderrer and shitty a cop you are (for bonus points, try leaving your ID badge at a scene)
I bought a joystick for my computer. I did this in NINETEEN FUCKING EIGHTY FOUR when we had the PCjr. I've had at least one and as many as four joysticks hooked up to my computer(s) since. The fuck did you play this thing with WASD for?Worm wrote:Many actions such as predicting the future, boxing, guitar playing, and fighting are controlled through your WASD and numpad.
I've actually started playing it. Amnesia! Hot damn!Worm wrote:Here's a entry for it on wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigo_prophecy it's covered with slobber and semen for some reason.
wiki maggot wrote:an intuitive, realistic interface.
The problem is that it features absolutely no puzzle/adventure/action elements. So it's really just a CGI film. Fuck, even IF has a few hurdles, something to make me use that frontal lobe.Quantic Dream prefer to brand it as the first truly "interactive film" rather than an adventure or third-person action title
I especially liked the track where you are practicing on the punching bag. Though when a punching bag can get on the top ten moments of the gaming experience you know somethings wrong. No concerts like Omikron, and the presence of music with vocals seems limited.Roody_Yogurt wrote:How's the music? I've liked some stuff by that guy.
I saved ... sorry... it saved for me. I can't --Worm wrote:I really enjoyed Omikron. Simply because it managed to let me playing a fighting game, then a FPS, then an adventre game without loading up new discs. On top of that add a pretty interesting premise, not entirely boring locales, and full good voice acting. You can't skip the opening credits in Farenheit either. So everytime you want to replay the first scene, you've got no hope.