Copracious Metaphors

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Copracious Metaphors

Post by Draal »

Just thought "hmm... An hour at the computer; don't I have something better to do?"

The answer is no.

Also, I just used a metaphor about juggling knives to introduce myself to a friend I haven't seen in over a decade.

Are the denizens of Jolt Country about making friendships? Lets make some friendships!

PS I don't know what Copracious means


Review of Recent events - Look out Mr. Sunshine!

Post by Draal »

Summer? Summer exists in South Detroit, New York, Japan, or maybe the Philiphines; constant sea breezes don't allow for weather per se, instead of a constant and habitual state of being. Snow? ha, ya, we've heard of it.

White powdery stuff on the due down drops that send a raging panic through the populace (observation in this context would suggest a relation between endurance and enviroment). Sitting in Hollywood, the Bubble which is Orange County, a dividing line is drawn in mind and body between what can be considered true and good. True then, is reliance on situations or events. Good, is feeling such.

So its Summer; many people are wondering idly what this means. Simply put, nothing. Spring lasts a week, summer lasts three months; while the temperature only shifts because everyone is cramming themselves into Disney Land laden with PDA's and notebook computers.

Notebook computers? Its a perpetual growth of indulgence in the minds of people of what is required but without the considered effort of why it is. Were faced with a contual outgrowth of wants with little desire to do anything except placate those; hard work is overturned for the quick and dirty, arbitrary requirements, which are seen as requirements.

Sunburned thoughts. What do I need? I need food and water. Food takes on a high role of luxury and stupid little quality - what can I take from a burger that fruit or base products cannot provide? Water... It is bottled and sold to me. Everything else is a practical matter of crawling into a shell of abstract psychological comfort of defined wants which translate into a physical manifestation of relaxation and contemptment. Anything except a certain number of calories each day, a bit of warmth provided by a coat, and an inclination to constantly move, is excess.

Care and practical neccessity for the coat, for the food, and for movement is wanting in a place based on percieved needs - how can I use what I do not have?

Then it is snow or a different climate, the practical application of our wants and the intellectual perception. How will this change who I am? Sunshine then, is desirable, except when everyone can huddle away from the night, from the cold, and never given a reason to appreciate the flux and luxury of their existance.

Thank you


Review of Recent Events - Watch the dial folks!

Post by Draal »

Dial in the right temp! Reconstruct the bridge!

Fuck you. Really.


Review of Recent Events - Consider

Post by Draal »

Pitch the forks folks, its a review!

The smilies will be added at a later date.

As will the review.

Okay, here.

Consider! By Draal

Consider! The multitude!
Consider! The Breezing Badge!

So its a considered opinion among a demographic? Woo! Were pushing the trend here with our powers of, Statistics! Were also monitoring your calls, so its okay.

What would you have me do? Sit on the sidelines and watch? Its important to remember that FUCK YOU!

Really, what do the hours add up to? Another consistent predetermined mess of pathos and contempt. Pathos? I have no idea. Where are you?

Okay - lets review life. Its good.

Were buying everything we can lay our hands on, then were passing around infinite numbers of blank page books to allow an obscure thought to be placed. Then reviewed. Then critiqued. Then corrected.

Breezy Badge! Its an official trademark floating in the wind. Breezy Badge! I'll fuck uR m0m. We'll correct it. Well?

Continue on.

Thank you.

Draal DUDE

Post by Draal DUDE »

I can teeter totter better than anyone else!

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Post by AArdvark »

Please to mail me some of that stuff you have been smoking.

The Amenities of life have been chasing my soul
My mind is transendential and im losing all control



Post by Vitriola »

It's a metaphor. I got it because I am better than everyone else.


Post by Draal »

Will you be my friends?

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