[Inform7] Wanted: non-flaky coder

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[Inform7] Wanted: non-flaky coder

Post by Lysander »

So, yeah, I'vebeen making a game. I am told by Senor Parrish "dude, it is the shit, and i mean that in a good way.", which is basically the only kind of acceptance I look for in life. Anyway, so the I7 code we've made here is... ugly, in places. ANd in others, stuff that should work, jsut doesn't. Which is why my erstwhile coder has decided to just quit. I however, do not want to quit. But, I'm looking to enter this game in the competition, and I don't know if I have enough time to learn the I7 language and make a good, relatively bug-free (AKA "Not a Robb Sherwin") game. So I'm posting here, basically begging for some coding help, if there's anyone out there who knows Inform7 but isn't horrifyingly busy with their own game, I would more than just appreciate it, I would owe you. Whoever "you" are.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I want everyone to know that even though Lysander wants to make a Bug Free i.e. Not RobB Sherwin Game, he nevertheless asked me to program his game for him. MAKE MINE MARVEl!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Lysander »

NO, see, because the only reason your games are buggie is because *I* don't betatest them. So with me *colaberating*, you wont' even have to *release* one of those pesky bug-filled betas to the public! Because I am already quite a bug vaccuumer. Um, ahem. Anyways. Before I descend further into odd yet strangely arousing similes, I'd just like to give a shoutout to the 25 people who read the thread "CODING HELP WANTED" without a single reply. Huzzah! Fuckers.

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