DLP vs. Plasma

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

savvyraven wrote:Not that I have to defend myself here, but the only reason for a new TV is
You don't have to defend yourself against anything. You want a new TV, you wanted this website's take on two competing technologies, end of story. I don't know why virtually every single person in this thread all of a sudden pretended to be a fucking Diehard Amish Luddite to you. Jesus Christ, this is the most disappointing and embarassing thread this BBS has ever had.

Seriously, everyone else: I really don't want to spend the next 30 years talking to the same batch of bitter phonies because you've run everyone else off. You people were all pretty much terrible posters when you first started writing your takes for everyone to see and it's pitiful that you have not extended the courtesy shown to you to the new people.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

What really gets me is that the new person in question isn't just some random Googler who typed in "assjacking christpuncher" and wound up here. No, the person you've decided to all be dicks to in this case is not only the most important, special person in my life, but also someone I was definitely hoping to introduce to at least a couple of you in real life.

If you can't work up an ounce of decency for her, then you are all truly hopeless, and Robb should shut this place down, except for the Top 100 Games thread, which I really would like to see how it ends some time in my lifetime.
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Post by savvyraven »

Clarifying: not only do I love televison and Pinback, but I also own quality entertainment. Such as over 1000 books (not just ones with pictures), 400 CDs, and editing system from bootleg software that I will not admit to in court. I am an honest person that says whatever is on her mind and I have a brilliant collection of bladed weaponry.

We're all in this life together people. People venting are what these things are for. No harm, no foul. But, you start messing with me as a person before you even know me, that really doesn't say much about you as a person.

I say we put this to rest.


Post by Vitriola »

No, I think we all get it. You now have a girlfriend, and the rest of us are not allowed to voice opinions or disagree with her on anything. This is pathetic. You're really talking to me here, and if you aren't, that means you included Aardvark in this, even though he was kind and courteous, and everyone else who also disagreed, nicely. You really want to know why you're talking about me, just not saying so? Because if you did, either Robb would have to defend me, even though I sure as hell don't cry when someone thinks things I do are foolish, or, scarier, he WOULDN'T defend me, because he knows I have my own conversations and I can take it, and handle myself and my correspondence, but then that would show YOU up, for thinking everyone had to roll over and stop being themselves or having a personality just because you said so. Go to hell. Don't bother leaving, this is all so fucking stupid to me.

Dear Jim,


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Post by pinback »

Time to up the meds. What the hell is wrong with you?
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.


Post by Draal »

I really do like my cap.


Post by Draal »

Plasmas are about $5000.

I'd string together 15, 20 inch LCD's for that price (assuming $300) and buy a computer capable enough to drive them at that resolution. Go with the DVR route and it'd be neato!

(Looking at $2000 for a computer... Sli definetly).

Check AVSforum, as this would require a bit of trickery (and you can get the opinion on the current LCD vs. Plasma debate).

Note: I did a little mockup in paint, you'd want 16 LCDs to, I guess, keep the resolution neutral (4 by 4 LCDs on the side and bottom as opposed to three on the bottom and five on the side).

Not sure how to calculate the resolution on that.

Note 2: It'd require 15 video drivers (ports) for that. Absolutely no idea how this would work (I've seen several large arrays of LCDs before though. Thus there is a commercial solution somewhere out there (sure is hideously expensive. Also sure there is a way to "relatively" inexpesively drive this).

Note 3: http://www.plastk.net/highres/24mon/
http://www.collegiatetimes.com/archive/ ... /6665.html

The setup would be possible for 9, 20 inch LCDs and quite reasonable if they were run off one server (video cards and system architecture would be the limiting factor, one computer would limit the cost (appears possible)).

Resolution would be far higher than any projector or plasma based solution. Initial cost of infrastructure for the array could be negligible; in the long term, power cost, would be high.

I could do this setup with only a small amount of research. Interesting from a hardware point of view.

If screen real estate is important, I'd go projector. Higher end systems are quite impressive in terms of size and clarity (resolution will suck though). I've seen homebuilt projectors that cost nearly nothing (relative. Requires an LCD and a good ol' high school projector).

Interesting to pursue this. I'd suggest a projector over Plasma, and the large LCD array if its a project that interests you.

Again check with AVS. Those guys are fucken nerds when it comes to pointless visual technology.
Last edited by Draal on Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Draal wrote:Plasmas are about $5000.

I'd string together 15, 20 inch LCD's for that price (assuming $300) and buy a computer capable enough to drive them at that resolution. Go with the DVR route and it'd be neato!
Knowing that it is Ben who will be carrying these 15 televisions up three flights of stairs, I would like to throw my support behind this method as well.

There's a PC involved, too? I would also like to tell Kat about some of the new lead lined systems that are coming down soon, and perhaps she can get one of those as well.

Furthermore, rather than hook them up with cat 5 cable, I demand that she use barbed wire.

Coated with honey and lye.

Annnnnnnd.... I'm spent!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by bruce »

Twice this summer in Canada, people have complimented (possibly sarcastically, I can't tell) my Hawaiian shirt.

Which was $9 at Wal-Mart.

I'm sure there's a lesson here. I don't know what it is.

However, if you're moving someone's TV up a flight of stairs, you should at least get them to promise you oral sex for it. This worked for me, except then I didn't get my oral sex, because the person whined that she'd felt coerced into agreeing. When all I said was, "Yeah, I'll carry that TV up those stairs, if you blow me," and she said, "OK."

I guess, in retrospect, after not getting my head, I should have carried the TV to the window and pitched it out. But it was in another country, and besides, the TV is dead.


P.S. What else can you do with money? Roll it up really tight and snort coke through it, of course.

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Post by Lysander »

Jesus Christ, when the hell did I blink and miss this turning into Mr. Blogger G. Bloggie's blogorama of hate? Lighten the fuck up, people.

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Post by AArdvark »

First of all, I just want to clarify...
and TV is my life
No, it isn't. It's someone else's and you just watch.

I think you should get one of those flat, rectangular televisions.. No, flat, rectangular MONITORS and hang it on your wall. about 24 X 40 or so. Then have it inside a nice gilded frame from a local art supply store. I saw this at a restaurant and it looked cool as hell. They had a fish screen saver going inside this totally ornate picture frame. Just too cool. I am going to do this when I get lots of disposable income. This means the far side of never.

Oh, and please give Pinner that special favor for moving the exisiting television up the stairs.


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Post by bruce »

bruce wrote:Twice this summer in Canada, people have complimented (possibly sarcastically, I can't tell) my Hawaiian shirt.

And I'm pretty sure it was sincere today.


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Post by pinback »

AArdvark wrote:First of all, I just want to clarify...
and TV is my life
No, it isn't. It's someone else's and you just watch.
Wow. Just, wow.

Shut the fuck up, all of you smug arrogant assholes. Some groups of people would, upon meeting someone, pray for some little snippet they can quote back to them and try to tout it to show their own self-delusional sense of superiority instead of treating them with some decency to find out more about them. I was hoping against hope that this wouldn't be one of those places, but alas, wrong again.

And Vx, yes, now Aardvark IS involved. You DICKS.

To be clear, Vitriola has, by being thoroughly rude and indecent, pretty much ruined any short-term possibility of us all being real-life friends. Aardvark has now joined that crew, but who gives a fuck about him.

You're all very disappointing to me. You can make fun of me for being a loveless loser, but you're fucking damn sure not allowed to bag on my girl once I finally hit the lottery and find the one who can at once put up with my bullshit while still loving me and also accept my love in return.

"So let's just say, fuck you too." - _Network_

Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

Draal haha

Post by Draal haha »

Then Beauty began to cry, and wandered sadly back to her own room. But she soon found that she was very sleepy, and as she had nothing better to do she lay down and instantly fell asleep. And then she dreamed that she was walking by a brook bordered with trees, and lamenting her sad fate, when a young prince, handsomer than anyone she had ever seen, and with a voice that went straight to her heart, came and said to her, "Ah, Beauty! you are not so unfortunate as you suppose. Here you will be rewarded for all you have suffered elsewhere. Your every wish shall be gratified. Only try to find me out, no matter how I may be disguised, as I love you dearly, and in making me happy you will find your own happiness. Be as true-hearted as you are beautiful, and we shall have nothing left to wish for."

"What can I do, Prince, to make you happy?" said Beauty.

"Only be grateful," he answered, "and do not trust too much to your eyes. And, above all, do not desert me until you have saved me from my cruel misery."

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Post by Worm »

Yeah, I mean, if she read fuckloads of books, and needed to know between oak and cherry book cases. Then she said "books are my life" would anyone object?

I probably would have hopped on bashing her for asking about different super expensive TVs if Vitriola didn't beat me to it. But you know what? I'm 21, I'm not supposed to know better.

What the fuck is wrong with finding one aspect of life and really enjoying it? We can't all listen to heavy metal, and run animal shelters. What's good for a goose makes the gander into a groupthink. Robb, hit your girlfriend or something.
Good point Bobby!



If he is a person naturally orthodox (in Newspeak a goodthinker), he will in all circumstances know, without taking thought, what is the true belief or the desirable emotion. But in any case an elaborate mental training, undergone in childhood and grouping itself round the Newspeak words crimestop, blackwhite, and doublethink, makes him unwilling and unable to think too deeply on any subject whatever. A Party member is expected to have no private emotions and no respites from enthusiasm. He is supposed to live in a continuous frenzy of hatred of foreign enemies and internal traitors, triumph over victories, and selfabasement before the power and wisdom of the Party.


Steering the topic away from the ice berg!

Post by Draal »


I'd go the projector route, especially if eyesight is a problem (100 inch screen at a fairly decent resolution without the worry that the technology will become unsupported in the next tech fad (of course the inputs (DVI) will always be fine, just that Plasma was always kinda the stop gap between analog televisions and LCD's).

And for about $2000, a high quality projector can be had. Only worry are those $200 bulbs the damn things use, which I think burn out around 500 hours.

Also lighting is a concern; not gonna want sunshine while the boob tube is blaring, so you'll be able to see the screen.

I really want a muffin. And I had one (read, six) less than a week ago.

Home made projectors...
http://inventgeek.com/Projects/HomeThea ... rview.aspx
http://www.denguru.com/2004/11/13/super ... page3.html

DIY projectors appear as an insanely good idea (6 hours of work at a cost of about $300 and with $30 bulbs!) Adding a MythTV (Linux based) DVR would create a decent home theater.

Be happy to create a parts list for the DVR if your interested.


Post by co »

pinback wrote:Shut the fuck up, all of you smug arrogant assholes.
I think we're all just jealous that she can afford to spend so much on a television. Sometimes jealousy comes off as arrogance. After all, we can't all be like walrussity with a home theater in our basement.

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Post by savvyraven »

Since Plasma vs. DLP has been kind of non- exciting, I thought I might try a little controversy. I was thinking something like Christianity vs Paganism in modern midwestern society. Or something along those lines. But I don't want to offend anyone. So I'm on the fence.

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Post by pinback »

savvyraven wrote:Christianity vs Paganism in modern midwestern society
There's only one way to settle this timeless debate:

Cage-match to the death.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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