How low can you go?

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Jack Straw
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How low can you go?

Post by Jack Straw »

I couldn't find the other EA scumdirt thread. But...
Holy shit!!

EA. Electronic Arts. As if paying their workers next to nothing for forced 18 hour days in cramped cubes without windows and singlehandedly destroying the sports game genre...
Now they are SELLING CHEAT CODES online. Get this.. you can PAY to unlock the "ability" to purchase certain weapons earlier than FUCKING PLAYING THE GAME would allow you to. Don't ask me what type of person would want the game handed to them and gladly pay for this privilege.. is this fun? But EA knows the type of person wouldn't play through the game to actually buy the guns.. so. here comes the genious part. When you purchase a gun that you didn't work to earn, you only purchase the option to have the gun available. EA also sells in-game Godfather money. You can trade real world hard earned dollars for fucking videogame cash to purchase a gun you purchased the right to purchase! <whew>

Can they get any lower?
hmmm.. of course!!
How about intentionally removing/changing controls for Madden 2007? They BROKE madden so that they could sell "tutorial videos" on how to push buttons the right way so you can win at madden. What the hell is WRONG with this company?

I despise EA more than every single person on this board combined and have burning hate for Microsoft that they would allow, even condone shit like this. This is a sad day for videogames, sports games, and credit cards everywhere.
Why did the terrorists have to hit the towers? There's a shitty building in Redwood, CA they could have taken down. Put a whole bunch of underpaid code monkeys out of their misery and scored one for humanity.
FUCK EA. Fuck them in their bloated corporate whore asses.