I could not believe how awesome these monsters can actually help out around the house.
For example, the Caretaker here played the wife and I some Danse Macabre upon getting home after work:

And then he made us some dinner:

He invited his friend Crimson Ruin to attend to Bailey the dog and clean up his poop in the yard. Now you see those fingers work really good as pokers for this type of stuff:

Well 2 is a party, but three is company. So we had to have The Creature over to clean the pipes:

Now what is a monster party without some comedy provided by Wares The Clown:

Wow, what an evening it was. Man I am wore out and now am in talks with their agents on making them a permanent fixture in the home theater.
On a serious note, I am very happy with these babies and plan to even add some extra details on the masks and costumes of my own.