This game probably features the most insane customization of any MMORPG ever, and all others should model off of that. I got the hero/villain package, and I've been leaning more towards the villains. I've also got two fourteen day free trials for City Of Heroes! If anyone seriously wants to play for two weeks on the Freedom! server, please reply. I think one might be taken up by Pinner, but if he burns out he could just send you his account name/password. I'd like my hero to be a beatnik or something.
Here are my two villains.
Disgruntled, depressed, and not eating. The Tron Guy of internet fame stumbles upon how to create a REAL tron power suit, and immediately uses it to hunt and kill anyone who has ever said ill of him on the internet.
Won the zombie elections on the platform of being the biggest zombie.
Er, I mean, if Pinner is with you then I'm in. Modeling my guy from ACS is optional, I'll think of something. (Tron Guy is brilliant, by the way. Who says Quarter to Three and Zefrank get all your best work?)
Well, Ben is trash so he's out. ICJ still has an invite I guess. If it comes down to it I'll just post them in the thread and then at least some web spider can pick them up and an azn guy can use the invites to scam.