I totaled my car and broke my neck

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I totaled my car and broke my neck

Post by hygraed »

On Friday night I went to see Grindhouse with my friends. (SEE IT IT IS AWESOME) At about 11:30 I started making my way home by way of the expressway. Unfortunately I wasn't paying enough attention, and as a result was going about 10-15 mph over the speed limit.

I also didn't realize that I was in the lane that curves sharply to the right rather than gently to the left. By the time I realized this I was almost off the road. I hit the brakes and tried to turn into the other lane, but it was too late and I shot off the road and up the hill.

For some reason I was braking when I was on the road, but when I hit the grass I stopped braking. I guess I panicked or something because, judging from the swath I cut in the weeds, I didn't really try to turn at all once I went off the road.

Anyway, I hit the metal part on the underside of the overpass, and the car stopped immediately. I was pretty dazed, so I couldn't really see much of what had happened except for a shitload of blood and glass shards. I got out my phone and called my parents while I kicked open the door and climbed out of the car. Someone had already called 911 and an ambulance was there within a couple of minutes.

I ended up with an abrasion on the top of my head that took a lot of my hair. I also had some glass in my hands and a broken sixth vertebra in my neck. From what I heard from the paramedics and my dad, the roof of the car had actually been sheared off by the metal part of the overpass, and the car was kind of suspended there. I must have ducked or something right before impact because the windshield had come into the car and probably would have taken my head off.

Anyway, I'm pretty okay and once I get out of this neck brace in a few months I should be in tip-top shape. It's a good thing I was driving a late-eighties Volvo; they have the double advantages of being relatively inexpensive and built like tanks. I miss it though. :( I just hope the wrecking people didn't nick my guitar out of the car.

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Post by pinback »

Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Holy crap! I am... wow, I am relieved that you broke a vertebrae and are only going to have to be in a neck brace for a little while. If I heard that from a doctor I would have instantly shown him that my tear ducts work, which would have made for an awkward scene as he finds a way to tell me that, no Jackass, you're not paralyzed.

I had many a fuck-up in my own cars and small trucks when I was younger due to poor decision making but also a couple situations where you just don't realize what the true speed limits are on a particular stretch of road or expressway because so many speed limits are the way they are simply to satiate some dead 16-year old's mommy.

Very glad you're all right, man. Whew!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

Nihil Vulture

Post by Nihil Vulture »

Sorry to hear about your accident... Jup, I remember being Vater Deutschland, and riding in my pops' Volvo, man that sucker was like you said, built like a freggin tank! It was like - a Panzer unit on the road, and then WW3 would be insuing soon! I remember listening to Panzerfaust (Darkthrone album) and thought, jup they must be singing about that Volvo... But heheh, I was wrong :razz:

Anyways, my deepest condulences, and great delight you will be oki and not paralyzed from the neck down :smile:

Take care man

Nihil Vulture


Post by Vitriola »

How is that album? I've only ever liked a few songs by them, mostly off the newest release.

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Post by Worm »

Crash death porn fantasies always play through my head when I'm driving a little too fast. This leads to generally no distraction.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Sounds like you're.... DEATH PROOF!!!

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Post by bruce »

Worm wrote:Crash death porn fantasies
"Vaughn died today, in his last car crash."

Or "Warm Leatherette" for the musical version.

The movie wasn't bad either.



Post by Vitriola »

Can we get back to talking about black metal?

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Post by hygraed »

who wants wreck photos






Post by Vitriola »


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Post by pinback »

Can we embed some death metal music with those pix?
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Post by Worm »

Is your hair still in the back seat?
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Bugs »

That doesn't look like something someone should have survived. I think my next car will be a Volvo.


Post by Vitriola »

Yeah, seriously, along with getting some more metal up in this thread, take care of yourself. It'll take awhile to heal, but like we're TOTALLY here for you man. All sarcasm aside, we're glad you're ok and alive to post those really frightening pics.

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