Worm wrote:Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You're again just assuming someone is on top of this.
Well, yes.
Ah, well. No one is.
You discounting them isn't proof of shit. Jesus Fucking Christ, dipshit:
"Some of the historians and Biblical scholars who place the birth and death of Jesus within this range include D. A. Carson, Douglas J. Moo and Leon Morris. An Introduction to the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992, 54, 56; Michael Grant, Jesus: An Historian's Review of the Gospels, Scribner's, 1977, p. 71; John P. Meier, A Marginal Jew, Doubleday, 1991–, vol. 1:214; E. P. Sanders, The Historical Figure of Jesus, Penguin Books, 1993, pp. 10–11, and Ben Witherington III, "Primary Sources", Christian History 17 (1998) No. 3:12–20. "
"Though many historians may have certain reservations about the use of the Gospels for writing history, "even the most hesitant, however, will concede that we are probably on safe historical footing" concerning certain basic facts about the life of Jesus; Jo Ann H. Moran Cruz and Richard Gerberding, Medieval Worlds: An Introduction to European History Houghton Mifflin Company 2004, pp. 44–45. "
"Other scholars assert that Jesus was an Essene, a sect of Judaism not mentioned in the New Testament.[34] Still other scholars assert that Jesus led a new apocalyptic sect, possibly related to John the Baptist,[35] which became Early Christianity after the Great Commission spread his teachings to the Gentiles.[36] "
"Since most scholars hold that Jesus was an Aramaic-speaking Jew living in Galilee around 30 AD/CE, it is highly improbable that he had a Greek personal name."
"Most modern Biblical scholars hold that the works describing Jesus were initially communicated by oral tradition, and were not committed to writing until several decades after Jesus' crucifixion. "
"Most scholars in the fields of biblical studies and history agree that Jesus was a Jewish teacher from Galilee who was regarded as a healer, was baptized by John the Baptist, was accused of sedition against the Roman Empire, and on the orders of Roman Governor Pontius Pilate was sentenced to death by crucifixion.[1] "
"^ "The nonhistoricity thesis has always been controversial, and it has consistently failed to convince scholars of many disciplines and religious creeds. ... Biblical scholars and classical historians now regard it as effectively refuted." - Robert E. Van Voorst, Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000), p. 16.
^ Michael Martin; John Mackinnon Robertson; G.A. Wells. The Jesus Legend, Chicago: Open Court, 1996, p xii. "
"Of the non-Christian writings from that time that have been preserved, very few mention Jesus or Christianity, and for that matter few of their authors showed much interest in Judea or the Near East in general. Nonetheless, there are passages relevant to Jesus in the works of four major non-Christian writers of the late 1st and early 2nd centuries – Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, and Pliny the Younger – as well as others. "
Refute all that shit and you are well on your way!
Microscopes and shit. You can't even ballpark how someone validates Jesus, because no one can.
I can and have ballparked it - through shit people wrote thousands of years ago.
21 asshole, and I've changed my opinion on things a million times thanks to the Internet. If you were gonna you'd have to start somewhere beside "Jesus = Pope John Paul II".
Okay. You haven't produced a single compelling argument to the guy not existing, aside from the fact that we can truly never know anything for sure, which is Philosophy 101 Horseshit that you should be embarrassed to use.
Why not? Why ever would I want to renege on being correct?
The fuck have you even remotely been correct about? You are asking us all to believe you over, literally, hundreds of intelligent scholars with -- unlike you -- no axe to grind, hundreds of historical records, hundreds of surviving written texts, Occam's Razor, AND SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS. EVEN IF you were functionally illterate and retarded enough to discount all that, you have to account for the fact that any time someone says something about God on the net a bunch of hopeless, acne-pitted virgins chime in with, "WHAT GOD LOL" but they don't do the same for Jesus of Nazareth because not being "right" to those dumb fuckers is their kryptonite, and it is overwhelmingly obvious to anyone with a brain in their head that a guy named Jesus existed at the beginning of the common era, accepted by every major religion to come out of that area, academics and scientists the entire world over and the majority of human beings.
You desperate, conspiracy-theory-grabbing CHILDMIND.