Ah great post knuck. However, the real solution to this puzzle is to call the fuck ahead with your order, or go into the place and pay ahead. Honestly, how does this kind of stuff not occur to people? This way we avoid the two social horrors, "the line" and "confrontation".Knuckles the CLown wrote:Off Topic
My brother is just too nice. I really think if they charged him for his meal at this shithole he goes to lunch at, and just handed him a reciept and told him to leave (sans horrible meal he has tricked himself into thinking would be good) he would. Robb doesn't like public confrontation. Or asking for what he really wants. Not taking a shot, just sometimes I think you feel too much pressure from the people behind you in line and you end up with a shitty lunch or something.
I've been so disapointed in the dining out expierecne (see LARGE MEALS I'VE HAVE NOT ENJOYED) I just call up a place and tell them how to cook without being obnoxious about. When I order a pizza I just say "make it well done" 4 words. However your normal dick would order it " BNAAAAA LAST TIME IT WAS TOO DOUGHY BNAAAAAA" People understand you like things different at restuarants but they also make minimum wage. So the key is to get your point across without inciting teenage angst.
Order the fucking loaves of bread turn around and scream "gawk you assholes, I'm ordering extra loaves" take a dump on the counter and leave.
He's a fag anyway for having a BREAD PREFERENCE.