Seriously, what is that guy doing. THERE IS A GUY WITH A BAT FOR A FACE next to you, QUIT PLAYING WITH YOUR DIGITAL WATCH.
Aardvark sent me a whole bunch of C64 manuals. They came in the box for B.A.T., which stands for Beats the Ever Loving Shit Out of Me, A Goddamn Bat-Faced Dude is Going To Kill Our Protagonist Before the Game Even Gets Installed. I would like to know the following about this game, from Aardvark:
1) Do you spend the entire game destroying that guy's species? If so, I consider that a PLUS
2) Seriously, what the hell is that nonsense
3) Did you decide to buy the game before looking at the box? If not, is there anything they could put on the box that would make you reconsider? I am re-doing the Fallacy of Dawn box this week, and it's a little reassuring to know that some people just do not care. There are no limits to this, people, do you hear me?
There are no limits!