hygraed wrote:The banner ads in question (as well as the Harry Potter spoilers) are created and purchased by members of the forum, many of which are assholes. Lowtax can't really pick and choose which banners he wants to runs.
Well, somebody screens them to prevent someone trying to put up a banner filled with cocks and pop-tarts -- been there, tried that. (Hurr, lol, sorry.)
Don't get me wrong, the guy gets a lot of shit for nonsense his userbase (or former userbase) engages in, and it's impossible to run a forum that size without it making a person mental, but this is him choosing cash over visits. I am not even all that into BioShock -- you could tell me that the little girls in the game have crabs for snatch and it wouldn't even register to me that the game was spoiled because I don't know enough for spoilers to work (yet).
The main culprit is the people who think they are still being edgy spoiling shit, sure. It was kind of funny a few years ago, but it definitely didn't age well. It's pretty lame in the way that a person not lettting a joke go is. I can't think of anything that would drive off reasonable people faster. People will live with all manner of ads, but no grown-up is going to hang around a place that constantly spoils stuff they might be interested in. Time is precious, if I watch five seasons of The Wire and see a flashing banner ad that goes, "McNULTY DIES!!!" I'm going to never visit that site again, not go, "Oof, good show, you got me! Ho ho ho, oh well." If that's their new "thing" then the userbase that remains is going to be a bunch of dead-inside mehhers that don't enjoy anything.
(Or, er, people who have turned the ads off, I guess that works too.)