Donkey Kong High Scores

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Donkey Kong High Scores

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

OK, there is a movie out called "The King of Kong," it's coming to Denver on September 17th, it's about two guys trying to get the Donkey Kong high score record, blah blah blah.

I don't want to spoil the movie or anything, but MTV posted the following right before the CGE:
'Donkey Kong' King Reclaims Top Score — And He's Got Witnesses To Prove It
Billy Mitchell challenges would-be record-breakers with $10,000 bet.
By Stephen Totilo Digg Newsvine Send Print You Tell Us

Is Hank Aaron's home-run record the most besieged stat in sports this year? Only if you don't consider "Donkey Kong" to be a sport.

On Thursday night, former "DK" arcade champ Billy Mitchell contacted MTV News to announce that he had reclaimed the top score with a record 1,050,200 points. He has witnesses, including someone who's willing to take a polygraph test to prove the run was legit.

"It's authenticity on a scale like never before," Mitchell said. He wanted to clear all doubt about his mastery of "Donkey Kong" and honesty as a player.

Mitchell's achievement, verified live by a senior referee from the classic gaming record-keeping group Twin Galaxies, comes just four months after rival gamer Steve Wiebe claimed the crown. It comes just a few weeks before the nationwide release of a documentary, "The King of Kong," that portrays Mitchell as a cocky, meddlesome, score-denying villain (see "'Donkey Kong' Record Holder Says New Flick Settles His Score" and "Ex-'Donkey Kong' Champ Finally Speaks After Getting Bruised By New Doc").

The new score tops the recently verified score Wiebe set last summer of 1,049,100 by a narrower margin than Mitchell had initially intended. But he decided to keep things close. "I'm not Steve Spurrier," Mitchell said of the legendarily aggressive football coach. "I'm Billy Mitchell. I don't need to run up the score. I just want to put one in the win column. I want to make it competitive. I didn't want to make it too tough."

Mitchell made his record run two weeks ago at an unlikely venue: the '80s-themed annual meeting of the Florida Association of Mortgage Brokers in Orlando, Florida. The brokers wanted Mitchell to attend so he could sign autographs and play some friendly arcade matches. Agreeing to attend on the condition that they make a donation to the Make a Wish foundation, Mitchell pegged the event as his return to arcade glory. "In the summer I had plenty of time to practice," he said.

Fans of rivals Wiebe and Mitchell, as well as the referees at Twin Galaxies, are highly skeptical of "Donkey Kong" world records. That's both a main topic of "The King of Kong" and a major aspect of the fallout that has followed advance screenings of the film, which portrays some TG refs as biased. Some members of Twin Galaxies have been viewed as Mitchell cronies, bending rules to let him claim records; others have cast doubts on Wiebe's scores, despite the lengths he's gone to prove they are accurate. For example, Wiebe filmed his just-toppled mark with a handheld camera set up in his garage. To extinguish doubts that previous scores he had set were done with the help of doctored arcade boards, he filmed himself putting a genuine board in the machine and removing it following his then-record feat.

This convinced some. Former Twin Galaxies senior referee Robert Mruczek, however, raised a question on the TG message board about a break in the tape that could have allowed Wiebe to switch boards.

Mitchell took extraordinary steps to prevent doubt about his new run. He achieved the score on a "Donkey Kong" board he bought off eBay. The board looked clean to him, but he sent it to Nintendo of America headquarters in Redmond, Washington, requesting someone there authenticate it. An engineer from the company, which made "Donkey Kong," e-mailed him and said the board checked out. The board was sent to Mitchell, who kept it in the Nintendo packaging. Then, at the Mortgage Brokers convention, Mitchell had the board removed from the packaging and placed into a "Donkey Kong" cabinet only when a security guard, a notary public and a manager from a nearby GameStop were watching. This process was filmed.

The GameStop manager was in charge of keeping the machine secure. "He had bought a special lock," Mitchell said. "He still had a receipt from it. And he had the key on his key ring and said it would stay there until such time — not knowing when I would accomplish this — I got the score." The gamer said he jokingly got the manager to agree to a polygraph test as well.

Mitchell achieved the new score on his second game, which took two hours and 39 minutes. Still, Mitchell says he could have done better. In the end, he jumped barrels until he let one smack Mario in the stomach. Then the clock ran out. He still had one life left and could have played five boards deeper before reaching the game's so-called kill screen. Instead, he says, he decided to keep it close. Twin Galaxies senior referee Todd Rogers witnessed the session, securing it as an official high score.

After reaching his mark, Mitchell left the machine and went home to the Fort Lauderdale area. The GameStop manager removed the board — on tape, of course — and sent it back to Nintendo where, Mitchell said, it was verified to be as clean as it had been on its first check. He thinks that will prove he did things on the up and up, though he did suggest one loophole: "Remember 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'? There could have been a little guy in there."

Mitchell is offering $10,000 to anyone who breaks his new record at the Classic Gaming Expo this weekend in Las Vegas, though he won't be there. He also doesn't know if Steve Wiebe will be there. He hasn't heard from his rival about the new score yet.

MTV News was unable to reach Wiebe or the "King of Kong" filmmakers to see if they would incorporate the new wrinkle into their story.

As for what Mitchell is up to next, he said he was eager to attend his son's football scrimmages: "My son, he can run like the wind blows." And Dad will certainly be back to "Donkey Kong," if — or is that when — the pressure is back on.

Highlighted two parts:

1) Love the fact that there is a guy who makes sports jokes and arcade game jokes right after one another. Billy Mitchell is all right by me.

2) He is apparently depicted as the bad guy in The King of Kong, and I think it's important to note that the guy wanted a charity taken care of to make an appearance. That's cool.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Billy Mitchell was pretty cool when I got a picture taken with him the other year at the Midwest Gaming Classic. He says, "play to win" right before the shot is taken. There was actually another video game champ there, one who I think might hold more records than Billy, but I wasn't as familiar with the other guy at the time (and have since forgotten him... I think he's Canadian). Billy noticed my cluelessness about it and tried to hint that I should probably want a picture with the other guy, too, so he's definitely not one to hog the "glory."

EDIT: Looking it up, I guess the other guy was Dwayne Richard.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The King of Kong was posted to Usenet last night.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Here is Todd Rogers's take on the King of Kong:
Greetings All,

I really don't know where to start on this topic of King of Kong. But in my opinion, the movie was shaped for only one reason, make money... and that the film people did, the producers of TKOK sold it for $760,000 to Picture House/New Line. Well that was the obvious choice for why the movie was made, but in the duration of things, you really have to know what went on behind those scenes to get what footage they acquired.
Here are some examples.

(1)"The YOUTUBE Video"
That Youtube segment Texas GeeksTV "TGTV 003.(abridged)" implies that Steve Wiebe has the current world record, hell even on that clip Walter Day even looks/speaks like he is acknowledging, legitimizing the fact that Steve W is the new world record holder knowing full well that I officiated Billy’s achievement a full month earlier, SHAME ON WALTER, and with a certification that IMPLIES that the record was set on Aug,19 2007 when in fact, the showing of Cert in the video is when that CERT was typed, by WALTER and ONLY for Steve's previous 1.49 million attempt the world record that is now mentioned in Guinness, which the scores performance it self was questionable by some TG Refs including myself before it was approved by Walter and submitted to Guinness, but we will get into that later.....But in this video Walter for the sake of the Movie, Steve and Walters own personal gain for TG, makes it look like Steve has surpassed Billy's new world record of 1.50mil that was set in Orlando on July 13th 2007 where I was the senior Twin Galaxies ref that officiated, having that title with Twin Galaxies I don't need any video proof just my word alone for viewing the achievement and attending the event to verify it should have been enough to be recognized as a world record. Then in this (Abridged) video there is that little blurb at the end where Steve mentions that he didn't think that Billy would ply quietly, and then proceeds to say that he wanted to congratulate him on his new record not mentioning that Billy broke Steve's own high score on DK and then he says he thanks Billy for the competition with out mentioning his name, who is Steve kidding, Steve is Billy's competition, not the other way around.
(1b)Texas GeeksTv 003. (Directors Cut) makes note of the new record and Steve’s failed attempt and also gives a clearer shot at the Cert where it states that Steve made that 1.49mil on March of 2007 again not approved by myself but yet it gives a clearer shot of the whole cert, I'm glad at least they "The Texas Geeks TV" people took the time to show what was changed and made the necessary corrections in their video.

(1b)"Billy’s New World Record on DK"
I personally witnessed Billy performance LIVE at the F.A.M.B. show - "Florida Association of Mortgage Brokers" it was an 80's themed event, that was being held in Orlando where Billy achieved his 1,050,200pt score, Billy not only had me present to authenticate the attempt but he had a live feed showing his game play, and another camera on a tripod taping him sitting performing and a vcr recorder recording the game play.....AND....AND.... he sent his DK PCB off to Nintendo to have verified by an official tech rep, before the event so that is was on the correct settings and an authentic DK board, to top things off we had an impartial security firm lock and unlock the cabinet before and after his performance to have verified once again by Nintendo rep after his achievement, to show that it was the same PCB un-altered as before, this PCB was sent off personally by the security firm so no tampering would be involved with switching out PCB's. Talk about trying to legitimize ones performance.....would Steve W do that???? Who knows, and if he did I'm sure that the Picture House people would blow it up to sizable scales making it look like Twin Galaxies forced him to do so.

(2)"PICTURE HOUSE & Steve Wiebe"
Its nice to see that Picture House usually has there Q/A's after each screening of TKOK but the really strange thing is when there are people present in the audience that have knowledge of what went on behind the scenes that were filmed, that they automatically whisk Steve off the Q/A panel or Stage before he can answer any questions OR again if the Picture House people do notice someone else that appeared in the movie that’s in the audience, they just don't want those people to ask any questions and then they just don't have the Q/A at about raising an eyebrow, so what are they afraid of, possibly that their golden child isn't really all cracked up to what they allege in the movie????? Or that maybe the footage that they are showing so proudly has in fact been shaped with out an ounce of truth. Steve W knows all too well what and how they sculpted that movie and how to make him look so the viewing public will feel sorry for him, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that.
(2b) "Legitimize a Fake"
All I know is that if it were me in his shoes, I certainly wouldn't defend the fact that the movie people "Picture House & Launch Pad Productions" I.E. Seth Gordon, Ed Cunningham, had manipulated and pieced together segments to legitimize the film with, authentic footage -"Steve W's DK performance at Pompano" a legit DK board set, with pieced footage - "Steve's DK performance at his house" a questionable PCB, to make the movie more believable base on manipulated segments. Some of the segments that I’m talking about were Steve’s game play at his house being spliced with the pompano to make it look like the same continual game legitimizing Steve’s game play, because after all if you are playing on a doctored PCB board you wouldn't want that game play shown in the movie where people notice things that aren’t suppose to happen....right....

(2bb) "Stored High Score"
Here is an example, in the movie it shows Steve W turning on the power "plugging it in the wall" to his DK machine in his garage and he makes a comment after setting up his camera to tape, "its my high score - saved" it shows a 829,700pt score, "0:12:55 mark" and then the film crew zooms in a shot of his high score on the screen" well most DK gamers know that when you turn a machine on that your HS is lost and it shows only the default programmed HS, so this would indicate that maybe Steve W is playing on an altered board.

(2c)"If it were me"
Back to the IF IT WERE ME thing, my logic is this "It's my reputation that would be on the line and with all the history that I have I certainly wouldn't try to make myself more then what I am already just for the sake of 90 minutes of fame". But being that Steve W is this supposed underdog-no body and the movie wants everyone to relate to him and feel sorry for him I guess its ok in his eyes to go with the flow as the movie people tell him what to or how to act. But the truth of the matter is this, If I were the star character and I willingly knew that the movie people intentionally co-arced the movie to juice up a story just to compel the public to see it and make some money off of them, and in the same duration make one of my competitors look bad, and I mean so bad that you can tell that they added and spliced snippets together to make him look like a dirt dirtbag, I would say HELL NO, I'll just let my scores do the talking for myself at every event at any time. After all it’s about gaming competition not degrading my opponent’s home life and personal character.

(2cc) "Mis-Lead Scores"
Example, in the movie there is a segment where at the Pompano Steve Sanders is on the phone with Billy Mitchell, "1:01:34 mark" and Steve Sanders is telling Billy about some scores, the scores that he was stating were about Steve Sanders going against Donald Hayes on Joust in the order of score increments, but yet again the producers of the TKOK show it as Steve Sanders is talking about Steve Wiebes score attempts on DK, when you look at the top scores on the DK game later on in the movie that Steve W is playing none of the scores mentioned by Steve S were on the top list of the DK HS display. Again we are talking about the movie people being like illusionists, looking at one hand and doing the work with another hand, fooling the public, saying what you don't see wont hurt you mentality, but in this case what you do see hurts someone else.... put yourself in their shoes.

(3a) "Lead you on & Drive By"
Another little lead you by the nose segment is where in the latter part of the movie it shows Billy pulling up to the restaurant and meeting with Steve S, "1:06:41 mark" and the movie would make you believe that Billy doesn't want anything to do with entering the restaurant because Steve w is present, but the truth of this segment that is NOT shown was that Billy really did show up at his restaurant when Steve W was present, I have personal footage of this. Billy not only comes in to greet the group of all the gamers but Walter Day even introduces everyone including Steve W while the FILM people "Launch Pad Productions" are shooting, yes the movie people have this on tape too. The thing that gets me is , if Billy was such an a**hole or so full of himself like the film people would like you to believe, why would Billy pay for everyone’s tab at the table including Steve W's, if it were me, I sure as hell wouldn't have paid for my rival if I hated him so much as the movie portrays.

(4a) "The DK Game Play"
I'm not debating that Steve W is not a top notch DK gamer, because he is. I saw him achieve 985k at FunSpot I thought that it was pretty damn impressive considering that I've only reached around the 550k mark and the moves that Steve made in his game play were remarkable. I have also viewed Billy’s performances both by tape and live just like Steve W's, both players have decisively different tactics to attain what they achieve. But after seeing both gamers play, I have to lean more towards Billy as the superior DK gamer. My opinion is not just because I know of Billy longer, but the proof is in the pudding just watch both gamers games and make a decision on your own and then you’ll have better piece of mind. I have nothing against Steve W. but just his taped gaming submissions, they have been questionable on more then one occasion, that and the simple fact of that he knows what’s going on with the movie and doesn't speak out about it's true and untrue facts.

(5a) "The Supposed Break In"
Here is another example of lets bullsh*t'ya, In the beginning of the movie it shows both Steve W and his wife talking about the break in of their garage by two TG officials "at the "0:25:31 mark". If this were true where are the police reports of this occurrence, after all wouldn't one think that if his house or garage were indeed broke into that something would have been stolen or damaged by the intruders? Or most of all your privacy was violated. The truth here is that when Perry Rodgers and Brian Kuh showed up to the Wiebe's residence that both Perry and Brian were INVITED not forced and then lead in thru the garage entrance not the front door, by Steve’s mother-In-law and yes they were invited because the mother-in-law was feeling bad about the two sitting outside in the driveway waiting.... Ok.....with that in mind, here is something else that will blow your mind, Perry and Brian couldn't have accessed Steve's machine, as the movie would imply, the reason why they couldn't access the machine was they didn't have the key to open it, and just WHO had that key you may be asking.......Steve W..... After all it’s his machine. So waiting upon Steve's arrival, the only thing that Perry and Brian could do was just play the game, that’s if the game was set on free credits or there was a button on the game to add credits. When Steve arrived at his house, again No police report was filed and Steve did not kick out the TG officials OR should I say his guest gamers for trespassing, infact Perry, Brian and Steve had a friendly game of DK while visiting, and took photos of each other playing and having a good time. The only way that Brian or Perry could have taken inside shots of Steve's DK machine was when Steve unlocked the game and allowed them so they could take their photos, no mention of this was in the TKOK movie, why doesn't that surprise me. But let’s remember we have to keep the image of the underdog, we wouldn't want anyone to know how things really went down.

(6a) "The Walk Behind"
There is another segment in the latter part of the movie where Billy is walking with his wife behind Steve W while Steve is playing DK, the statement that Billy makes is " There are certain people that I don't want to spend too much time with" at the "1:08:43 mark" the part that the film people left out was the segment where Billy actually engaged in a short conversation with Steve behind him while Steve was playing HS DK game. Billy says something to this effect" Hello Steve, how is your game going, its good to see that your going for the record" Billy didn't want to speak too long with Steve for the fact of not wanting to disturb Steve's game play and also for the simple fact of Steve crying that Billy stood behind him too long while he was playing his DK game to steal his patterns. Which from a gamers stand point I can understand this same situation as Brian Kuh stood behind one of my Super Pac-Man games and I intentionally killed off my extra lives around 400K just so he couldn’t see my patterns after stage 36 because Brian is also a serious Sup-Pacman contender. Talk about throwing your money out the window for someone else to reap the benefits.

(7a) "Billy's infamous video tape submission"
In there is a segment where Billy is talking to Doris Self about the DK tape, he clearly says "its for only for fun" this of course is before the time frame of Billy knowing that Steve W would be attending the FunSpot event. The thing that no one knew other then Walter Day and the film crew, notice I say OTHER then Walter & the film crew, was that Steve W was attending the FunSpot event. But in the movie it suggested that the video tape was intended to take lime light away from Steve's performance intentionally while Steve is playing DK.

(7b) "The Million Point Screen Distortion"
It is perceived that the Million point mark that there was an intentional splice or doctored segment that looked like Billy had played a game of DK and sliced it with another start over, but when you look at the footage in the movie there are numerous takes on this segment.
(7c) #1 A close up of the distortion at"0:47:52" with a start score of 998,500 and after the distortion a score of 000,000 you can clearly see that the score rolled,
(7d) #2 Then there is another splice that shows a marginal distortion 0:50:08 with a start score of 15,800 and after the distortion a score of 16,000 on the screen,
(7e) #3 Yet another shows a little distortion at 0:50:19 with a start score of 26,300 and after the distortion a score of 28,600
(7f) #4 and yet another has a close up with minimal distortion at 0:50:30 with a start score of the 998,500 and after the distortion a score of 000,000,
(7g) #5 Toward the end of the movie at 1:09:23 yet another attempt at sabotaging Billy’s credibility, where again the start score is at 998,500 and a very small distortion and then the score of 000,000. Again suggesting that all of the above were the same distortion and implying that Billy faked his game.

Of course on Billy’s master copy there is no distortion I have seen that too, but after viewing the tape that was shown in the movie personally LIVE at the event among 20 or so other gamers it wasn't as bad as the movie had shown, I noticed a little bit of a tracking line but nothing to convince me that there was any tampering with a game splice or that a fraudulent score was made.

(8) "The mysterious phone call"
There is a segment where Steve W is in his garage and supposedly talking to Billy, but in this segment at "0:59:15" you can clearly see that there have been 3 edit splices where Steve was talking into the phone, but yet you hear no Billy on the other side, so tell me this why is it in most of the film, the film makers always bugged the phone to get both sides of a supposed conversation, but in this one particular scene there is only a one sided conversation. You would think that if Steve was really talking to Billy that they certainly would want to have that conversation on tape.....or is it like this that maybe ....just maybe... Steve was talking to Billy and that Billy only had good things to say to Steve about the upcoming competition and event and that the film makers didn't want the viewing public to hear how Billy really was.....maybe a nice guy...

(9) "The Drop off scene"
In this scene at 1:01:06 we have Billy dropping off Steve S with Walter at the front door to the event in Pompano asking Steve S was that Billy driving, and Steve replies yes that was Billy. Then there is this pause and screen shot from inside the building alluding to that Billy doesn’t want to appear in person at the event, continued with Walter welcoming Steve S to the event. The REAL reason why Billy couldn't attend right at that moment was that he had to pick up his wife and kids that were at another location, but not one mention of this was hinted in this clip.

(10) "The friend of Steve W Mike Thompson"
A smug cocky guy looking like a fat toad with a cigarette in his mouth as some would mention, who says in the movie that if ANYONE who makes 1 million pts on DK in public "1:18:34 Mark" that he will pay $10,000.00 to, so far nothing has been paid out to Billy after he made his new 1mil+ HS in public, hey here is a thought, maybe I should get a vig for authenticating his score???? I guess Mike was all talk hyping the public just like the movie did in hyping the public to hate a truly talented gamer in Billy. Mike mentions that there is all this talk about Billy’s performances and talk about these video taped submissions and no one has seen Billy play in person, but let me ask Mike this question - when the HELL was he at any live events recently- yeah like I thought NO response just sit on that couch and stuff your face and your head with empty thoughts about some more bogus films that you want to help make.

I think that the Picture House people think that we the pubic are as impressionable as the students that Steve W teaches in his classroom, and yet to think that they think we wouldn't find anything wrong with a lop-sided slanted movie.......I mean some will buy into the whole good vs bad thing, but for those of us who really know what went into this production it really was good vs good or gamer vs gamer. There wasn't any bad feelings going on when the movie was filmed, it was just that in certain times and certain places segments were carefully pieced together to make what you see on the screen.
The producers of TKOK did an incredible job at conveying what they wanted you to see, I’ve told Ed Cunningham personally "Hey Great movie, from a public view point, it really gets the crowd going" and it was done well enough to gain so much attention, but on the other hand I also told Ed that "That there were a lot of things taken out of context in that movie that needed to be changed".

Well after all I'm not the producer or director or even the camera guy for that matter, If we had a movie depicting the life and times of Todd Rogers, who would want to see it, I mean most everyone who knows who I am already on this forum and is aware of what I have done now and in the past and that a movie of me would have a minimal selling point of people wanting to see someone making high scores over and over again, yeah even I would say that would be a boring movie.

But when you put the into the plot, someone who is supposedly not recognized for his gaming skills and another who supposedly controls everything, there you have an entirely different scenario, especially when there is a lot of controversy and when people tell you ....ahhh don't go and see it, that its a bunch of crap, well heck then everyone wants to see what they aren’t suppose to see or maybe they see what they really want to see.....Who knows....all I know is that I hope that I have a little more exposure in the other documentary "Chasing Ghosts Beyond The Arcade"

I mean all of us that were filmed by both film crews were under the impression that both movies would capture the nature and the passion behind every gaming champion and every gaming enthusiast that can relate to what we all go thru as gamers being competitive, but what happened along the way, just look at those two movies and see what happened along the way, we were all dooped with the promises that these documentaries would show off the best side of the gaming world. But instead TKOK went into a different direction, above all and beyond I guess we all want to entertained and thats what Hollywood is for and now TKOK is a part of that world.

So let's Keep on gaming
-Todd Rogers - go to Forums, Classic Gaming, then the thread called "Billy Mitchell reclaims Donkey Kong world record"
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

That reads like one of those evaluations of Michael Moore movies.

I just watched the movie, and it obviously tries to enforce a good/bad dichotomy that I think would have been better left up to the viewer.

However the idea that this guy was given such a slightly altered board that it can produce a change in the game's entropy to produce totally convincing playthrough video but allow a lesser player to have a better chance is total bunk. That Captain Awesome was charged with that rather than NASA just makes it more silly.

While these guys all may be fine people, the mincing was distasteful and it seems like they realized it as they went ahead and said they'd accept future video submissions from Weibe.
Here is another example of lets bullsh*t'ya, In the beginning of the movie it shows both Steve W and his wife talking about the break in of their garage by two TG officials "at the "0:25:31 mark". If this were true where are the police reports of this occurrence, after all wouldn't one think that if his house or garage were indeed broke into that something would have been stolen or damaged by the intruders?

That fucking quote crystallizes exactly what I'm talking about. I guess my issue proves that I really don't care what's right or wrong. It's just that kind of milquetoast, unjerkable bullshit needs to be taken head on. Even if the only thing challenging it is grandiose hollywood bullshit and even if otherwise constantly upright wonderful human beings need to be trampled in the process.
Good point Bobby!

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