What's your take on physically abusing your pets?

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What's your take on physically abusing your pets?

Post by pinbacker »

Not like so it hurts, but as negative reinforcement. Like, when the jacked up puppy nips at me wif his teef, I whap him lightly about the brain.

I also smack the cats occasionally when they are annoying or unpleasant.

What say you? Am I a responsible pet owner or a MONSTER?!?!?
That's the wrong video, by the way.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

If they don't listen you have to smack them. We have one cat that listens (Boggit). When he does something bad, you can yell at him and he'll slink off by himself and feel guilty about what he did.

None of the other ones give a good goddamn what you say to them, so you have to give them a whack on the butt.

If that doesn't work, you just start machine gunning any and everything in your "cone of vision" and let the Egyptian god of paws sort 'em out.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

I am a firm believer in a whack on the butt. I was actually talking about this today! I happened to open a book in someone's office about prairie dogs. But not about prairie dogs, per se, but about keeping them as pets. I saw the one picture of the prairie dog chewing through someone's wires and thought that was the funniest thing ever, and we all got talking about that. I said that I may smack cats on the butt, and it's hard enough that they won't do that things around me again, but, at the first instance of chewing on wires, I beat them to within an inch of their lives.

This isn't far off the truth, but, in a household where at least one cat will try and eat the wooden railing to show his solidarity as we are eating dinner, or maybe as a cruel juxtaposition of his diet and ours, or to protest his chosen brand of cat food, no cat will touch a wire, and they never have. They will drag the cable from it's nails on the wall, but they do not open their mouths anywhere near wires. I applaud you, Ben, for being not only behind, but ahead of your time. And also for retarding evolution. And just for smacking helpless animals who will just do this thing anyway, take pictures of themselves doing it, and laugh at you.

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Post by pinbacker »

I'm big on head-shots. I don't mess with the butts. I go right for the cranium. BANG!

And the little dazed, dizzy stumble they take as they wander off with little stars and birds circling over their heads is just gravy on the cake!
That's the wrong video, by the way.

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Post by hygraed »

As long as it doesn't actually injure them in any way, I am all for it as a disciplinary measure.

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Post by AArdvark »


I'm all about the duct tape. 'Specially when I'm trying to wrap a Christmas 12 pack as a present.


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