Ultimarc Opti-Pac and RAM Controls Major Havoc roller

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Ultimarc Opti-Pac and RAM Controls Major Havoc roller

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

There's no real guide on hooking this thing up, so I thought I'd start a page in case anyone else has this problem.

Let's define some terms, first.

Ultimarc: Ultimarc is a producer of hardware components that people use to make MAME cabinets (a full-sized arcade cabinet configured to play games through the MAME emulator).

Opti-Pac: a small board, produced by Ultimarc, that allows you to hook up a number of trackballs and/or spinners, to your PC through a USB cable.

Major Havoc: A color vector arcade game from the early 80s that did not do well financially. Dedicated MH cabinets go for thousands of dollars, and a game that was converted into MH are rather pricey as well. MH, in addition to being rare, used a roller for left right movement, instead of a joystick or spinner. (There is a kit to convert Tempest to Major Havoc, and in those cases, Tempest's spinner is used.)

Roller: a translucent that allows for movement along one axis. RAM Controls made a perfect reproduction of this device.

Happ Red Board: The roller uses a little circuit board to relay data outwards. The roller included the red board. Unfortunately, the pins aren't labeled on the Happ red board.

... OK, we're off!

I bought the Major Havoc roller from RAM Controls a few months ago. While the transaction ultimately went OK for me (I bought it through eBay) I know that they have shut their eBay account down because of negative feedback relating to shipping items.

I don't have the whole story, and my transaction was satisfactory, so I am not going to trash them. If you have a roller, then that's great and we'll ultimately find that it works really well. You cannot fault the craftsmanship of the device in any way. It even includes a little light bulb, to project light through the translucent roller itself.

The Ultimarc Opti-Pac is a circuit board that allows you to hook up trackballs, spinners and rotary devices to your computer. It's about six inches long. It does not need a Windows driver. Here is a photo (click for a larger version):

http://picasaweb.google.com/robb.sherwi ... 3472270914


There were two main hoops to jump through in getting this working:

1) What settings should the Opti-Pac have in order to be recognized by Windows?

2) How should the wires go, from the Opti-Pac to the Happ red board? (Unhelpfully, the pins on the Happ red board aren't labeled. Fucking Happ.)

As of writing this, I have the Opti-Pac working in USB mode for my laptop, but not my main PC. The MAME computer is still just a head floating around in space, so I can't tell how it will react.

"He's just a head, floating around in space!" -- Kup

I have the following jumper settings

- USB for both player one and two
- Rotary on an A/LO setting

The roller, using a Happ red board, went as follows from left to right, looking at the thing dead on with the wheel behind the pins:

X2 - GND - +5 - X1

Now, you can reverse the wires on the X axis pins to get it to spin the opposite direction.

Here is a pic of that:

http://picasaweb.google.com/robb.sherwi ... 3537042002

Last edited by Ice Cream Jonsey on Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Haha, after getting it to work on my laptop, it worked just fine on my main PC. Cool. OK, pictures are coming!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I set the dial sensitivity to 150% (in MAME32 v 61) and it works great. Holy shit, this is awesome. Major Havoc lives!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Annnnnnnnnd there is a spare +5 and GND slot on the Opti-Pac, which is perfect for running the light beneath the roller. Aces!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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