Knuckles the CLown wrote:I just dont know how as brothers you became a liberal. We have so much in common but this difference? You witnessed first hand how the liberals ruined our home state, Hillary Clinton, nuff said on and on, was it the extra year of college you almost completed that skewed your mind?????
I don't consider myself liberal. You're right in that liberalism completely doomed New York State. I think that when any political party gets too much power they can't handle it. I'd be voting Republican as often as I could if I lived in NY.
The difference for the new Presidential election is that someone needs to undo the following:
- George W. Bush's administration has stripped away many freedoms that Americans have enjoyed.
- George W. Bush's administration is chiefly concerned about ensuring record profitability for his oil buddies.
- Bush has made incompetence acceptable. "You're doin' a great job, Brownie!" Michael Brown is responsible for the horrible way that FEMA handled the recovery of New Orleans. Look, I could go on and on, but let me bringing up the FEMA thing speak to the warrantless wiretapping, the U.S. Attorney purge, the WMD lies and so forth.
Bush's administration works for corporations. With my lone, meager vote, I would like to see the country get away from that, at least for four years. Who is going to help us realize that?
- Ron Paul would. But a lot of his other ideas are crazy, and he might just hate Jewish people. Not in the normal way that many of us have experienced, like when Shawn Green's pathetic crybabying forced Gord Ash to trade him for Raul Mondesi, but in the other, more permanent way.
- Maybe John McCain, but with the way he embraced and slurped down the dick of Bush, after the way Bush campaigned against him in 2000, who knows? There's a lot of status quo here.
- I am convinced that Hillary gets us Jeb Bush in 2012 or 2016. Plus, you know what, I really, really dislike the thought that electing Hillary gets us 16 years of Clinton/Bush rule. It's fucking ridiculous.
Who does that leave? John Edwards? You know what, personally, I'm good with putting the country in charge of the fucking Southerners for another four years. Everyone I've talked to from Louisiana, for instance, has been an awesome down-to-earth person, but I think we're good for the next go-round. I don't get the idea that Romney is anything but a career politician who will do what he's told by corporate overlords. Fuck Mike Huckabee, he's too stupid to be elected to run a fantasy football league.
That leaves Barack Obama as the only other one with a chance. And, if I had to guess, I'd say in all likelihood that he'll be choking down the agenda of whatever shadow government before he leaves office as well, but at least there is a chance he wouldn't, at least there is a maybe. Put Teddy Roosevelt on the ballot and I'd vote for the Republican. Put William Howard Taft (who was probably the third best President this country ever had, after Lincoln and FDR) on the ballot and I'd register myself Republican in order to vote for his fat ass in the primary. But the people who have been running the show with that party have done everything possible to destroy America and re-create it so that it forever benefits them and their spoiled, plastic families, and at least with Barack Obama there is a 5% chance that could be paused for a couple years.