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Post by bruce »

So, I had a chance recently to get one of the Apple ][ models I don't yet have (I'm still lacking an original ][ and a //c).

This one was the seldom-seen Apple IIe Card for Macintosh LC.

Of course I didn't have a Mac LC either, but ten bucks at Gateway Electronics fixed me right up.

So now I've got an Apple IIe inside a Mac.

Go me!


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Wait a second, I don't understand any of this. They put the Apple on a card, that I understand. I think! But then, this went into a Macintosh you bought for ten bucks? What the?

I think we need some photos here.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by bruce »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Wait a second, I don't understand any of this. They put the Apple on a card, that I understand. I think! But then, this went into a Macintosh you bought for ten bucks? What the?

I think we need some photos here.
I'll take some tomorrow.

But, yeah.

I went down to Gateway Electronics, and I said, "Hey, Doug, I need a Mac LC II to run this new toy in."

And he said, "I haven't got an LC II, but I have this LC 550. How's ten bucks sound?"

And I said, "Sold."

Place is FULL of shit like that.

Tell you what.

It's almost time we started thinking of a Classic Gaming Expo St. Louis this year.

It'll be like going to Vegas, except WAY WAY cheaper. We have room for Robb and Dayna in the guest bedroom, and we can put Jon on the fold-out couch in the den. If there are more people we can do something with air mattresses and sleeping bags.

Then we can go to Gateway Electronics, Electronics Exchange, Trade-N-Games (which has--or had last time I was in there a few years ago--a good classic gaming section), and whatever-that-store-out-in-St.-Charles-is-that-has-classic-games-but-reeks-of-cigarette-smoke.

We can play pretty much any classic video game on the MAME cabinet.

And I can make drinks, as I have lots of liquor. That will be cheaper than Vegas too.

If people really need to gamble, we can go to Lumiere Place, or the Missisippi Queen, or the President Casino, or Harrah's (er, maybe that's what the Queen has become though), or, well, there are several places.

Plus if the mood strikes us, pen-and-paper RPGing.


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Post by bruce »

Oh yeah.

Also, the LC? Plays Quarterstaff just fine.


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Post by hygraed »

I would commit multiple murders to get a shop in my town that sells retro computers for $10.

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Post by jjsonick »

When I was in Austin (eight years ago now), I worked at a Half Price Books store that was directly across the freeway from a Goodwill computer depot. Got a working Apple IIe there with 128k and mockingboard sound card for $12. Often had rare software that would roll in. I loved and totally miss that place.

I am now in San Francisco, and said Apple IIe was fried by a power surge (my surge protector was apparently crap) courtesy of Pacific Gas and Electric about 2 years ago. I haven't replaced it yet, so I too a) am jealous of bruce's find b) would kill for a local cheap retro hardware source (though admittedly I haven't looked that hard).

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

bruce wrote:I went down to Gateway Electronics, and I said, "Hey, Doug, I need a Mac LC II to run this new toy in." And he said, "I haven't got an LC II, but I have this LC 550. How's ten bucks sound?" And I said, "Sold." Place is FULL of shit like that.
That blows my mind in four large pieces. This is the store I've always wanted to go to. The fact that he didn't try to get $200 for the thing is amazing to me as well. A fair vintage computer dealer? They make more black, one-eyed, Scottish demolition experts than they do them!

It's almost time we started thinking of a Classic Gaming Expo St. Louis this year. It'll be like going to Vegas, except WAY WAY cheaper. We have room for Robb and Dayna in the guest bedroom, and we can put Jon on the fold-out couch in the den. If there are more people we can do something with air mattresses and sleeping bags.

Then we can go to Gateway Electronics, Electronics Exchange, Trade-N-Games (which has--or had last time I was in there a few years ago--a good classic gaming section), and whatever-that-store-out-in-St.-Charles-is-that-has-classic-games-but-reeks-of-cigarette-smoke.
This is all great stuff!

We can play pretty much any classic video game on the MAME cabinet. And I can make drinks, as I have lots of liquor. That will be cheaper than Vegas too. Plus if the mood strikes us, pen-and-paper RPGing.
Well, it's gonna be tough for us to get out there this year, as we are saving up for the wedding. How does shooting for 2009 sound? I agree on how it is a million times better than what another Vegas trip would be like for us. Everytime we sat down it was forty bucks, which is fine once every five years, but Jesus. As long as I have a guide, there are two places I don't mind going:

1) The Deepest Heart of Africa
2) St. Louis

On my own, I am likely to get murdered in both places, because I'll "stick out." But seeing how the parts of St. Louis I am likely to see on a visit to your place consists of the old computer dealer, the inside of your MAME cabinet and face-down in a bathtub of gin... I'm game!!!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Posts: 2544
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Post by bruce »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: That blows my mind in four large pieces. This is the store I've always wanted to go to. The fact that he didn't try to get $200 for the thing is amazing to me as well. A fair vintage computer dealer? They make more black, one-eyed, Scottish demolition experts than they do them!
Well, they're not a Vintage Computer Dealer.

They're an Electronics Junk Shop.
Well, it's gonna be tough for us to get out there this year, as we are saving up for the wedding.
I don't mean to say that I don't understand this, because I do.

But, dude.

It's not like going to Vegas.

Your cost: 1500 miles worth of gas. Some food on the way. Some food while you're there, maybe, although Amy and I will surely cook some too.

No hotel room. No spending $75 for someone's new Vectrex games because, um, those won't be there.

So, I mean, you're looking at $300 or so. Not Vegas-style budgets.


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