First off:
I got it three days after I ordered it, so while I didn't get a mail confirming the order, the guys at must have shipped it out unbelievable early on Tuesday. I am going to start a thread about my good experiences with various coin-op and nostalgia-based-gaming vendors, but let me give spoilers as to how it all turns out: QuarterArcade is AWESOME.I then ordered it from, and have not received any confirmation that they received my order and are getting ready to ship it.
All right, here's how the Taito Kit installation went:
- I removed the socketed chips at U85 and U86 from my ZooKeeper video board.
- The kit has a wire that needs to be soldered to +5 on any of the nearby chips. The instructions say pin 20 of chip U83. Dumbass me didn't count the pins correctly. You are supposed to count them like this on the U85:
Code: Select all
1 18
2 17
3 16
4 15
5 14
6 13
7 12
8 11
9 10
This matters, because when I went to solder the wire on a U83, which has 20 legs, I was counting from the top down.
Now, this is something that only a rank amateur would do. It was a learning process, and thank Christ I didn't destroy my PCB. And I am well aware that counting as you might think doesn't always work - I used to program in Assembly, and you start counting a byte at bit 0, right to left. More, the only way that thing could have entered pins 11-14 on U85 is if you started counting at pin 1, go down, go across, and go up.
So after having this brainwave, I sucked up the solder on what was pin 11 of U83, and put the wire on pin 20. I installed the PCB back into the cabinet and turned it on.
All the LEDs lit up, and I was all, "fuck!" Then they went off. And I was like, "maybe this worked!"
Went around to the front of the cabinet and sure enough the game came up (in the memory failure screen). I restored the factory defaults, played a game, got into the high score table, turned it off, turned it back on...
... and it worked. I am on an unbelievable high right now.
Lemme hand it to the designer of the kit: it's very elegant and simple and works great.