(Yeah, I have some work to do on the cabinet.)
I really had to get something that would play jrok's Multi-Williams board, after getting a taste of it in the Milker's Two Crude cab last weekend. I wrote a few mails, and the guy who sold me Zoo Keeper and Asteroids did have a spare "Dynamo" cab. (Dynamo is a type of cabinet, not a game itself, as far as I can tell.)
It had a working 25" monitor, switching power supply, and JAMMA harness. Perfect! My dad is in town, so we rented a truck and picked it up.
I brought it back home, plugged jrok's board into it, and... nothing! It sounded like the monitor was alive, and neck was lit, so that was good. Looking at the PCB I plugged in, well, it obviously wasn't getting ANY power. I looked at the power supply, and someone had cut away ALL the power lines: +5, -5, +12, ground... OK, that's all I can remember being there. It was all cut!
My dad, being awesome, got some wire for me when he went out next. I soldered long pieces of wire to the power supply, and then connected that to the JAMMA harness. Everything came alive.
I had some other issues - there was initially no sound (the jrok board has a pot that I need to turn all the way up, and then I need to have the volume pot on the cabinet up fairly far) and I couldn't understand why Player 1 Button 1 wasn't flapping wings in Joust. I did figure that out - it uses button 3, because of how things look on a "Multi-Williams Control Panel." The Joust dudes now flap!
I've got to do some cosmetic things - I like the control panel that is in the photo up there, but it's from Street Fighter or Tekken or something. I need a new bezel, since instructions on how to make fighting game a-holes do shit was permanently glued over the existing bezel. But for now, it plays great and I could not be happier. JAMMA rules.