See this? This is my serious face. I was chatting up the blokes at a local homebrewing store, Beers of the World. I wanted to know why everyone I've ever seen who home brews uses those lame little 5gallon Coke kegs. If I'm going to brew beer, I want it in a 1/2 barrel - 15.5 gallons. Go big or go home, right?
They told me that the equipment simply does not exist to refill a 1/2 barrel and if I wanted to do so I'd have to 'devise' something. Sounds like my kind of challenge.
The cats at BOTW were half right - the tools to refill a 1/2 barrel are MADE... they simply aren't AVAILABLE...
from ... id-94.html
"For liability reasons products such as keg valves, keg valve installation tools, keg valve removal tools, keg washing couplers, and so forth are available only to registered breweries.
It is important only trained professionals perform keg maintenance and installation of valves. Improper installation can result in possible injury."
So I did it myself. The only tools I used were a hammer, flat blade screwdriver, and a pair of pliers.

Total cost so far is $0, more $$ for bulk grains.
So now I've got the keg ready, I just need to brew some beer to put in it.
anyone got any good recipes/tips for a pimp just getting his feet wet with this whole brewin bizness?