After reading 'Commodork' over the weekend I feel really really bad I did this...
Note the stereo input for the second sid chip, i was cool beans back then
And the headphone jack for quiet time at night
Then they all went away...
'Commodork' is:
For anyone who has ever put copies of 'Fast hack em' and 'Di-sectors hack disk' on RED 5-1/4 floppy discs (with black paper protectors), because they looked more important.
For anyone who has ever pulled a freshly copied 'Mail Order Monsters' from the 9 drive and held the still-warm floppy under their nose like a loaf of fresh bread.
For anyone who has ever put skull and crossbones stickers on their 1541's.
For anyone who has slowly, lovingly opened the blue and red cardboard box from Gold Circle with the $49.99 price tag and reverently pulled out a spanking new 1200 baud modem like it was a newborn.
For anyone who has just opened the clear plastic lid of someone else's floppy disk box and started thumbing through it and thought it was better than Christmas.
The book is great! I seriously wanted to go out and find another C64 V2. I started looking for phone numbers of BBS's in the area. (Hah!) I was even thinking of where to set it up. Then I had to get hold of myself and remember that I donated all three machines, five disc drives, a printer and four boxes of floppies* to the Salvation Army for a reason. Times have changed. It's later than we think.
Thank you for bringing a smile to me starting on Chapter one!
(* Still have my wooden floppy disc holder, only now it holds markers and my Captain Disillusion action figure.)
(aardvark not affiliated in any way with the Netherlands, any resemblance to aardvarks speaking dutch, living or dead, is purely coincidental)