It appears that the touch macro function (runs a macro when a creature scores a melee weapon hit on the player with >0 damage) is broken in the current release. This patch attempts to fix the touch macro.
THE EDITS: In O_PLAY2.PAS, starting around line 787, replace the following code in the 'hitcreature' function:
Code: Select all
if crc^[rcrc^[who].crcsource].touchm<>0 then
if weapon0t=7 then
if ack.ackversion>=30 then run_macro(crc^[rcrc^[who].crcsource].touchm);
Code: Select all
if crc^[attacker_id].touchm<>0 then
if weapon0t=7 then
if ack.ackversion>=30 then run_macro(crc^[attacker_id].touchm);
Code: Select all
if crc^[rcrc^[who].crcsource].touchm<>0 then
if weapon0t=7 then
if ack.ackversion>=30 then run_macro(crc^[rcrc^[who].crcsource].touchm);
Code: Select all
if crc^[attacker_id].touchm<>0 then
if weapon0t=7 then
if ack.ackversion>=30 then run_macro(crc^[attacker_id].touchm);