Is Pinback Human?

Arcade Games & Cooking.

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Is Pinback Human?

Post by Flack »

I would have liked to have seen Pinback playing arcade games in person at ICJ's pad this week because, quite frankly, after seeing some of those high scores I am starting to doubt that he is in fact human. Which means he could be:

- A robot, programmed to play games. Maybe he was sent back from the future, like a Terminator, but got sidetracked when running across Asteroids. ("Sarah Connor? Can I borrow a quartah?")

- Some sort of superhuman with super skills who, instead of saving people, uses those skills to set arcade high scores that mock me.

- A teen werewolf who hates the Xbox 360.


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It's fairly unhuman, yes. I don't doubt that he'd one day be able to topple my Zoo Keeper score. I wasn't doing anything special with it.

The only ones safe are the ones that require a lot of time to set, in an environment he is not a fan of. That leaves:

- Tempest. Tempest actually lets you keep some of your progress. It's not like a Road Blasters-style continue, but it took me an hour to get to 155K, and I've never seen Pinback play Tempest.

- Crystal Castles. There is no genius on my part, but Pinback simply is not interested.

- Spy Hunter. Now this I would be inclined to put my skills against his, as he would feel shooting people in a car "beneath" him. Like how Jodie Foster says that Hannibal Lecter wouldn't bother her in person as Lecter would consider it rude.

And that's it. That's the whole list.
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Post by AArdvark »

Re: Josh wants to do the teen werewolf.

Is it rude to blow away the high score at someone's house?


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Post by pinback »

Jonsey is too modest. I will never beat him at Crystal Castles (which I put in some decent time with back when I lived in Boulder), I will never beat him at Spy Hunter, I will never beat him at Zooke-- well, I can see MAYBE beating him at this if I got lucky one in a thousand times -- and I will never beat him at Q*Bert. He has great skill in these games.

Everything else, I just want it more.

As a ten year old at the ice rink, I remember playing Asteroids, and when I lost a guy, I literally PUNCHED the dude standing next to me. I didn't feel good about it, I in fact still feel some shame and regret for that to this day.

But fuck it, I wanted it more. You think blowing up space rocks and dodging aliens is something fun to do with friends during halftime. That's fine. But I need it.

I need to blow up the space rocks, and I need to save the last human family.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

AArdvark wrote:Re: Josh wants to do the teen werewolf.

Is it rude to blow away the high score at someone's house?

No. Unless a guy's high score in life is his wife, you have an obligation to plow through any high score in his arcade.
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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

pinback wrote:I need to blow up the space rocks, and I need to save the last human family.
Oh yeah, I forgot to show Flack your Robotron high score. Next time I go out there (and remember) I'll again note it. It's inhuman, but keeping in the theme of this thread.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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