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Post by Flack »

Sigh. I got talked into it.

My latest blog entry explains my hesitation and the reason I decided to take the plunge.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »


Well, everyone has sorta moved over to, Flack. This sucks! Maybe they'll have... backwards... compati--

(OK, no, but this is what has happened to me every time I've joined one of these fad sites. I'm amazed the actual domain still works, frankly.)
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Post by Flack »

Within ten minutes of announcing I was going to start Twittering (er, Tweeting) about my bowel movements, I had ten people subscribe. Far be it from me to not give people what they want.
"I failed a savings throw and now I am back."

Next big thing on Twitter

Post by Next big thing on Twitter »

Next big thing: Ashton Kutcher -vs- Flack's Ass. . . fight!


Post by ICJ »

The Day Twitter Will Finally Arrive
by Ice Cream Jonsey

The day that Twitter will finally arrive, for me personally, will be after I get married. My spouse will join Twitter to read my nonsense, I'll say something insensitive, she'll reply, it'll go back and forth, there'll be a:

@icecreamjonsey fuck you you f. asshole!

And I'll respond, and then one of us will have to call the other because fights can't fit into 140 characters, y'all.


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Post by Flack »

I once asked my wife for more toilet paper over AIM. Does that count for anything?
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

OK, I am going to try something a little different. I usually end up hating who the Saints draft in the first round, because they usually suck an enormous amount of shit. Malcolm Jenkins, cornerback, was taken first by the Saints this year, and he's on Twitter:

So we'll see how this goes. I usually decline to follow someone on Twitter if they either spend the majority of their updates responding to other people (I hate hearing one side of a conversation, and those replies are rarely funny) or if they update too many times in a goddamn day. So we'll see what happens.

If Malcolm has the good taste to follow me on Twitter, then forget anything else: he will immediately be the greatest draft pick in New Orleans Saints history.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Mr. Jenkins has introduced me to the magic of the word "tryna," which can mean one of the following:

-trying to
-trying and

I don't want to come off as easily-impressionable, but I am easily impressionable, and will be stealing that word for all it is worth.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I admin another site called Caltrops. It is at The forum, where all the action is, is at .

There are many people utterly repulsed by threaded forums. This is mostly good for the contributers on such, as it keeps the mass of boring zeros with no filter between their pea-sized brains and keyboard away. I'm going to try to update the Twitter feed at once a day with links to posts (from Caltrops) that do that. This process may or may not work, I guess I'll find out in a couple months.

The way I envision it working is also strongly tied to how I personally use Twitter. There are a number of times in a day where I am waiting in line for something or otherwise momentarily bored out of my skull, so I'll click on the Twitter icon on my phone. Ideally, the people I'm following have written a few amusing things, I read them, and exit Twitter in less than a minute. So I'm gunning for the same sort of thing: a person who might otherwise not visit would see a new update, navigate to the linked post with their phone's browser, and enjoy the content. I'll stay away from updating the feed with anything relating to the drama of the forum itself, and anything with too many "in-jokes."

Possibly you will like it!
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Post by Flack »

Your request to visit "" is denied because the FAA has determined that accessing a website which has content that falls into the category of "Adult/Mature Content" is an unauthorized use of FAA Internet resources.
"I failed a savings throw and now I am back."

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Th-th-th-they are blocking us?? Way to stick your fingers in your ears regarding the best goddamn purple website int he world. WHO'S THE "MATURE" ONE NOW, FAA?
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Post by Flack »

Actually we just use Bluecoat so they are the ones blocking you.
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Post by nessman »

No Twitter for me. Facebook takes up enough time as it is and I've all but abandoned MySpace.
If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, it will protect all of you. - Larry Flynt

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

My brother is on Twitter now.

His feed is here:!/knucklesdaclown

I am absolutely delighted, and more than a little surprised, to say that his grammar and spelling is - literally - a thousand times better via Twitter than in his normal web posts and e-mail. I can't understand it, but I love it and find it hilarious.

I think this thread had everyone's accounts listed. Flack is Commodork. Vark, are you on it at all? Twitter seems to be made for you!
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Post by Flack »

"I failed a savings throw and now I am back."

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Post by AArdvark »

I do not own a cell phone. I am unable to catch my new mobile phone so that's out also.

As such, I regulate my random thoughts here and on Facebook. I find this helpful as I usually think of stuff earlier in the day and ruminate on it until such time as I can get to a keyboard. This usually increases teh funny twofold or more depending on the subject. besides., I'd rather post a couple paragraphs than two sentences in order to provide more textural ambience. Or some kind of bullshit like that.


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