Google Earth provides creepy view of my former residence

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Google Earth provides creepy view of my former residence

Post by Tdarcos »

This link: ... 2,,0,18.51

Shows you an actual photo of the place I used to live at, on or about the day or two after the deputy sheriffs came by and evicted me and everyone else because of the landlord being foreclosed upon. The creepy thing is that they must have taken it just right after everything got dumped and we left to go elsewhere.

Put your own address in the "search maps" box, and it will look it up on the map. If they sent someone out to photograph your area, drag the little man off the map guide until it greenlights your area, and it will show you a picture of what your place looked like about two years ago.
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Post by Flack »

If you zoom in real far you can make out the omelette.
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Post by Tdarcos »

Flack wrote:If you zoom in real far you can make out the omelette.
Flack, I said I lived there two years ago; the Omelette video was made in February of this year. I never had an omelette the entire time I was there. I did live there when I made the waffle video (which is not yet released) however.
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Post by AArdvark »

The omlette is there. That's the creepy part.

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Post by Flack »

Maybe you should have made an omelette (er, scrambled eggs) for the Sheriff and his posse.
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Post by Tdarcos »

Flack wrote:Maybe you should have made an omelette (er, scrambled eggs) for the Sheriff and his posse.
No, that's not a good idea. As someone here pointed out about my cheeseburger and the bun and the potential for bacteria, I can't guarantee the food I make is fit for human consumption.

The last time some guy in Prince George's County killed a cop, the guy - Ronnie Lionel White - strangely enough was found dead his cell while waiting for trial. I guess they felt this would save the taxpayers money, although nobody could actually prove the police did anything, I suspect that's what happened. Another suspicious factor was that supposedly he was being watched by the police, but the cameras that were supposed to also be watching him mysteriously failed and he was alive as recently as 15 minutes before he died.

As an associate of mine once said, "Prince George's County Police aren't biased. They hate everyone equally."

They don't really play around here.
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Post by AArdvark »

Wait a sec...So now you killed an inmate as well as microwaved a cat?

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Post by Tdarcos »

AArdvark wrote:Wait a sec...So now you killed an inmate as well as microwaved a cat?
I was a guest of a homeless shelter, not the county slam. Not that I might not go along with a save the taxpayers money plan, I'd have to get a fairly good rate to go that far.

I don't know if I'd want to be in the professional assassin business.

But the way you pretend to misunderstand what I'm writing sounds too much like a game of 'telephone' where you tell someone something, they tell someone else, and so on, and so on, and by the time the 10th person has heard it the message has absolutely no relationship to what you said.

Bob McAlister used to do it on his 'Kids are People Too' show that first started on Metromedia stations (the predecessor to the Fox network) before he moved to ABC. He'd tell one kid a message. He'd bring in the next kid, and he'd just stand and watch (with the camera and mic) as they told the next kid, and this one told the next, and that one told the next. By about 4 or 5 it started to get hilarious as you could see the message becoming completely irrelevant and unrelated to what was originally said.

To show that he was being fair, he'd read the original message off of a card. You start off with something like "Pat Gatty wants 2 pounds of pork sausage," and the message becomes so garbled that you might end up with something like "Bat Guano stinks so bad I wanna puke."
"Baby, I was afraid before
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- Belinda Carlisle, Heaven Is A Place On Earth

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