using macros to make characters larger

Chris H.'s Ultima / ACS-style game development system!

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Nihil Vulture

using macros to make characters larger

Post by Nihil Vulture »

is it possible for someone to use macros to make a larger character? like 42 x 16 or 16 x 42 for a moving character?

Nihil Vulture

Post by Nihil Vulture »

What I mean is, is there a macro for a way for the player tile to connect another tile and it follows the player like a two piece one tile?

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Unsure at this point. Any ACK fans still here to ring in?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by BlueTemplar »

Hmm, I don't think you can do something like that, your caracter is defined by only one tile and I don't see how with a macro you can defined the tiles around the caracter and make it move with him.

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Post by rld »

Nihil Vulture wrote:What I mean is, is there a macro for a way for the player tile to connect another tile and it follows the player like a two piece one tile?
Are you wanting to have the player 'drag' an object along (like a tractor beam/magnet sort of mechanism), or are you actually trying to make a player character more than 1 tile in size?

Dragging an object might be possible with the existing engine using a step macro. But making the PC more than one tile in size would not be easily doable without overhauling the ACK engine to support it.

In addition, having a player more than one tile in size has the potential to enormously complicate the game engine ruleset in general. Say that you have a player 1x2 tiles in size (1 high, 2 wide). Does that mean that the player can now only fit through vertical passages at least two tiles wide? If a player travels north and hits two adjacent portals at the same time, and the portals go to two different destinations, which one is followed?

If the player [A]ttacks to the south, and there are two creatures adjacent to the player's south side, does the player attack both of them? If the player uses a stream or cone weapon, from which of the player's two tile locations does the stream/cone emanate? If the player drops an object to the south, on which of the two possible destination tiles (both adjacent to the player's south side) does the object land? Etc, etc, etc...


Post by Garth »

I had thought about miniaturizing much of a game's tiles so that I could in effect make certain monster's appear larger than the character. Any tile that can have transparency wouldn't be that difficult to miniaturize though you would of course lose some detail in an already low detail graphic. In an artistic sense it could take some work to make things look right. If you kept your character graphic its normal size and miniaturized all the other critters then you'd seem larger.

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