Barring actually planning out my meals, I discovered a Safe Way directly in my path to school and so I've been steadily working through their selection of frozen pizza, being overly critical of their fast frozen selection and contemptuous of real food until I discovered...

Celeste Pizza,"Pizza for One." Coupled with "Microwave Cooking For One" (the #1 best seller among the single, 20 - 30 male demographic), this is perhaps the most depressing cooking combination since the military ran out of surplus C rations. Regardless, after three months of chowing down I developed a dedicated palette for the highs and lows of this pizza: High - the texture and feel of the crust is second to none and though soft, there is a sort of chewyness that raises the bar above Tortino's Pizza and other such monstrosities. Low - its a microwave pizza (Warning: includes ingredients one must have a bioengineering degree to fully grasp).
But I became quite fond of this little gem. So after my life calmed down and I jumped back on the vegetarian band wagon, I started to look for healthy, vegetarian alternatives that duplicated the feel and texture of the crust and offered a higher quality set of ingredients.
After experimenting with a number of pizza stones, flavors and varieties of crust and cheeses, it actually took a midnight drinking session to accidentally stumble upon the special ingredient that made a true replacement feasible:
The Wheat Tortilla.

Pictured: Flour tortillas, slow roasted tomatos (in a refurbished Sun Dried Tomato jar), mozerella cheese, diced Monsanto Roundup Ready Tomatoes. Not Pictured: Canola Oil. Spinach.
Basically, its a compressed pizza quesadilla with fried tortillas substituted for the usual lightly baked or warmed variety. Not very imaginative, sure, but it was an inspiration at 3 am when I decided that to continue to become sloshed, I needed food in my stomach.

Step 1) Oil pan and let it warm up.
Step 2) Fry two tortillas, doing one side of each very lightly while crisping the other.
Step 3) If sauce isn't prepared, fry the diced vegetables until they lose their shape (extra credit, toss in basil, spinach, fennel, etc).

Step 4) Toss that shit onto the darkly crisped side of one of the tortillas.

Add cheese, etc, etc.

Compress the other tortilla onto the top, then fry it for maybe another ten seconds, let stand till cool enough to eat, then chomp down!

MISSION: Success!
A suitable replacement for what has become a completely inedible variety of the "sauce, cheese, on bread" variety of culinary treats.