Thank you Idra for this moment of clarity!

Let's make some video games!

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Thank you Idra for this moment of clarity!

Post by RetroRomper »

Within Starcraft II circles, Idra is the ultimate example of poor judgement and emotional directive overcoming skill and luck: quite a number of times my buddies and I have remarked about how Idra must have typed in GG, hot keyed to quit the game, then looked down at his keyboard for six or seven seconds while he mentally recollects himself and tries to bring his raging emotions under control. It was also suggested that if he found the right balance of anti-psychotic meds and ADHD medication, maybe he'd stick around for two more minutes and actually win a game.

But I digress.

The ultimate moments of the MMA vs. Idra bouts (and arguably the entire MLG phenomenon), weren't the games themselves but the reactions of the players to their own blunders and that of the commentators to the "UNREALITY" of the event.

One of the more prized, is MMA's delayed reaction to the fact he accidentally blasted his own CC and ruined an otherwise lucrative gold expansion:


Keep in mind that for 99% of games, an SC player stares blankly into space with the same unresponsive facial reaction that accompanies orgasm, so having any sort of even mildly emotive look is a scarcity.

The commentators on the other hand, thrive on the loud, obnoxious, and at times distracting speech patterns that are more suited to a Christian Revival, where the result is foaming at the mouth and fainting back into the pews while a pastor chants "the devil leave this woman!" while holding his hand to ones forehead and speaking to the sky: if any of these guys had to mimic a SC2 unit for a Halloween party, they'd be best suited to the Zealot.

When they hush for more then five seconds and remain in a static state for just as long, it is a rarity. Idra's surrender prompted just such an event:


The moment of silence is a treat, especially after listening to Day[9] prattle on without actually offering anything of merit over the entire course of the game except mild disillusionment and energetic "OUTRAGE!" at the fact the players do not have the same omnipresent, top down view of the entire game world as they do. Compared to say NFL talking heads though, at least they have personality and arn't constantly patting each other on the back.

This leads me to review the man himself, Idra and any cues we can gather as to his emotional state of frustration and assumption just before he quit the game. With such limited information however, maybe the most telling piece of evidence is his facial reaction just before quitting:


Or lack thereof. One of the unspoken assumptions that commentary as a genre can lead down, is that a player, a team, or a group of some kind, should be aware and able to fully discern information and tactics with the same clarity as someone with the opportunity to stand outside and make unbiased judgements. Idra was merely conceding a game he viewed as lost: he made a snap judgement.

One can argue and try to understand the reasons behind it, maybe his own mounting frustration led him to concede, or he is gripped by a sort of emotional instability that few people know him well enough to comment on. As I said earlier, he is used as an example of poor judgement and emotional control overcoming skill and luck, but I'm not going to applaud or denounce him for making a choice that was crystal clear from his perspective.

No, what I will do is thank him for forcing real and overtly obvious emotional responses from his opponent and those gathered to worship the event. For me, that is more interesting and worthy of praise: he made the routine interesting and drew out honesty and feeling in an environment that usually doesn't harbor either.

To Idra, let me thank for this sadly rare, yet amusing and quite interesting, moment of clarity.

Good game to you sir!

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Post by RetroRomper »

pinback wrote:No bashing of any pros or casters you happen to have a problem with. Think Day[9] isn't funny? Think Idra is a whiny bitch? Go think that on your own time, in your own forum, because if any of that winds up here, it will NOT be funny, and it'll be YOU who's the whiny bitch, when I ban/delete your ass outta here.

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Re: Thank you Idra for this moment of clarity!

Post by Tdarcos »

RetroRomper wrote:Keep in mind that for 99% of games, an SC player stares blankly into space with the same unresponsive facial reaction that accompanies orgasm, so having any sort of even mildly emotive look is a scarcity.
Command stream from the EDT text editor on the Unisys VS/9 Operating system from the 1970s and 1980s, applied to the above:

Code: Select all

@ON ALL CHANGE "99% of games" TO "99% of software applications"
@ON ALL CHANGE "an SC player stares" TO "most computer users stare"
@ON ALL CHANGE "orgasm" TO "male orgasm (most women do have physical reactions during orgasm by comparison)"

Keep in mind that for 99% of software applications, most computer users stare blankly into space with the same unresponsive facial reaction that accompanies male orgasm (most women do have physical reactions during orgasm by comparison), so having any sort of even mildly emotive look is a scarcity.
If you watched me, or anyone else doing software development, you'd see us staring vapidly into the screen and typing things in. Your comment basically applies to just about every high-concentration computer activity.

I am using the free 3-D application Google Sketchup, which finally brings really good 3D object development into the capacity range of the average user, as compared to the "requires learning how to perform brain surgery" levels of effort required for such applications as the game editor of Half-Life 2, or the multi-function open-source game engine, animation package and modeling tool Blender.

I can actually create serious, complex things in 3 dimensions with Google Sketchup, as opposed to trying to do things with the Hammer editor for Half-Life 2 or Blender, both of which are extremely difficult to use. (I have heard they've improved the User Interface of Blender so I don't know if the new version is easier to use.)

Now, if you watched me at work in Sketchup, you'd see me intently peering into my computer, moving the mouse around almost exclusively, creating lines and surfaces, rotating the view and incorporating objects and components, with rare and occasional use of the keyboard. Other than the use of "shit" which i say when I miss and erase a line I didn't mean to and have to back out what I've done through undo, you won't notice much of any emotional response from me.

In the above case, I'm doing extremely complicated tasks in exactly the same way as you assign to a player of SC2.
RetroRomper wrote:To Idra, let me thank for this sadly rare, yet amusing and quite interesting, moment of clarity.
Vincent: You serious? You're really thinking about quitting?
Jules: The life?
Vincent: Yeah.
Jules: Most definitely.
Vincent: Oh, fuck. What'cha gonna do, man?
Jules: Well, that's what I've been sitting here contemplating. First, I'm going to deliver this case to Marcellus, then, basically, I'm just going to walk the Earth.
Vincent: What'cha mean, "walk the earth"?
Jules: You know, like Caine in Kung Fu: walk from place to place, meet people, get into adventures.
Vincent: And how long do you intend to walk the earth?
Jules: Until God puts me where he wants me to be.
Vincent: And what if he don't do that?
Jules: If it takes forever, then I'll walk forever.
Vincent: So you decided to be a bum?
Jules: I'll just be Jules, Vincent; no more, no less.
Vincent: Let me ask you something, when did you make this decision? When you were sitting there eating that muffin?
Jules: Yeah, I was sitting here, eating my muffin and drinking my coffee, when I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity.
- Pulp Fiction
"Baby, I was afraid before
I'm not afraid, any more."
- Belinda Carlisle, Heaven Is A Place On Earth

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Post by pinback »

Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Post by pinback »

Idra is an awful, disgusting person, and there wasn't a single fan watching MLG Orlando (myself included) that wasn't rooting for him, once he started mowing down Koreans by the buttload.

In other words, he's exactly what the esports world needs: The guy you love to hate, and hate to love.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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