At the moment I am telling some dumbfuck how terrible his ballot was for the AL MVP. Some homer piece of shit that follows the Texas Rangers managed to get himself a BBWAA vote. This guy goes and puts Michael Young #1 on his ballot (whatever) and Jose Bautista (who had the best season in the AL) 7th. Seventh!
But let's forget about that for a second. After logging into the @caltrops account tonight, I see that the guy who plays Dennis Reynolds on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" retweeted something I wrote a few weeks ago. Let me explain.
I hate television, but this current season of "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" is the absolute greatest comedy season ever, and probably the single-best television season ever. (Sorry, Misser White.) So after watching the episode where they all play a made-up board game, I told Glenn Howerton (the guy who plays the aforementioned Mr. Reynolds) how great a job he is doing. OK, I told him it was the best season of anything in the history of TV. He retweeted it, and this is the sort of shit a bunch of nobodies wrote after seeing it:
jonwill02 jonathan williams
@Glenn_Howerton @caltrops ok- it's good, but not like the first couple seasons
jmooneyhan jason mooneyhan
@Glenn_Howerton @caltrops hell no!!! All my friends agree, the first and the last one are the only good ones. Worst season yet
Anyway, long story short, I became the man who inspired the most jealousy in television a few weeks ago and didn't know about it till last night. God, the posts from 2002 on Jolt Country were so much better than this shit.Real_EP The Real E.P.
@Glenn_Howerton @caltrops Wow, hyperbole much? Way to suck up for a retweet.