OK, a couple of things come to mind.Lexypoo doodleydoo! wrote:For Christmas, still no show, for the work done up to this year: The company insists I've done 40 hours, I know I've done 88. 40. 88. Think about that. That right, that's less than HALF what I'm owed. So I get £200 (actually £140, as there was a tax-cockup), of the, ohhh, $750 I'm owed. I WILL TAKE MY REVENGE. I'm going to make these fuckers price-match for the Gamecube, and I'm getting Steel Battalion for $6. I will make sure of this.
First, don't you have copies of your own timesheets? If not, <b>why the fuck not?</b> This company is screwing you, you need to be creating an evidence trail.
Second: price-matching is hardly <b><i>REVENGE</i></b>. Revenge would be: stealing about half the store's stock, dousing the rest in gasoline, setting a match to it, infecting your manager's partner (probably his poodle) with syphilis, taking a big steaming dump on his pillow, and breaking all his grandmother's bones.