My computer is blindpinback wrote:Does anyone want to volunteer to tape this shit off the stream?
It requires my dedication
All this sound we hear
Needs no conversation
We record this together
Uh huh
Makin' love with each other
Unh uh
Tape shit off the stream
That is what we do
No one in between
How can we be wrong
Capture along with me
To an MP3
And we rely on each other
Uh huh
- Parody of Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton, Islands in the Stream
Current Clock: 1:15 to go.
Current Clock: 1:03 to go.
Some woman is singing some song in falsetto about some other guy's boyfriend, from the repetition of these phrases I presume the song is either named "Girl Run Away" or "He's Trouble Now."
She also says she'd help if she wasn't an old oak tree. DJ comes on at the end and says it's Sarah Hampton, "Tree Hum."