I accidentally edited Joes last post instead of responding to it. I could have sworn I hit the quote button to respond but oh well, its fixed now.
I hope the fly isn't just for only one space tile or obstacle tile and will incorporate all tiles.
and thank you for the list of different types of macros:
step, hourly, death, global.
I haven't edited these as they are not in my mind as I continue making the game. I don't want to over make the maps and stages without first incorporating what can be possible with ACK. And there are only mentions of them in the manual so what would be good for the quick reference page on macros editor is examples of the these corner stone macros.
I am pretty sure fly was working at some point and Chris intended it to work on all space tiles as the manual says. I'm guessing he emphasized SPACE in that text because he figured if you wanted a tile to be passable at some point or under certain circumstances you would have made it a space and not an obstacle which is never passable. Spaces can be made impassable under whatever circumstances you wish and then be passable if the conditions are right.
However, there does seem to be a problem with the editor regarding the fly setting in the vehicle field right now. Chris has been very busy but when he gets time he will look into it. He may already know about it and just hasn't had time to fix it. I'll shoot him a private message on facebook. He is usually only available to online access through his mobile which doesn't display this forum well at all so he relies mostly on fb to keep in touch.
It so good to build with these commands again. HEX is so complicated and so is python. When I was this high, (holds hand out) I made a game first on the commador 64, with several screens for random situations in which a space ship battles bad spaceships. Then I got a plus4 and a 128, all got simplified with the CHAR x,y command. Only draw one screen for every situation. It was fun to build, but only used the characters from the keyboard. I tried using the sprites graphics which can overlay the regular characters, but the coordinates where different then that of the regular ones and too much math to deal with. Plus I couldn't use multicolors with them.
But ACK brings me back to those days and with 16x16 multi colored tiles! If only I had it back then.
One thing was cool is on a commador you could use the if then command to have several function just by adding a comma. like if f=32 and r=1 then b=12, i=7, goto 32
That and came in handy as well. Oh that slow disk drive! sorry flash back.
No please, share ALL your flashbacks with us! Jolt Country is all about flashbacks and nostalgia, the geekier the better. ;)
I do know there is a way to set the entire tileset color to change colors. So if i set one color to be transparent then have it drawn over all the tiles where black shows up then it should work...?
Indeed there is, though the replace color option and the option to set a color to be the designated transparent color are two separate things.
To replace a specific color anywhere it occurs in your tileset:
Go into tile editor. Navigate (with arrow keys/pgup/pgdn/T) to any tile containing the color you want to replace. Press enter to go into edit mode on that tile. Now use the arrow keys to move to the color in the tile that you want to replace. Press S to go into Set color mode. Now in the color palette use the arrow keys to move to the color you want to set as your replacement color and press Alt-R to replace the color you were sitting on in the tile. Alt-R will replace that color with your newly chosen color throughout the tileset. If you press only R instead of Alt-R it will only replace that color in the tile you are working on.
Transparency color selection will always affect every tile in the currently loaded tileset where that color occurs. To enable (or disable) transparency:
Go into tile editor. Navigate (with arrow keys/pgup/pgdn/T) to any tile containing the color you want to use as the designated transparent mask color. Press enter to go into edit mode on that tile. Press S to enter the “set color” menu. Select the color you want to use as your mask color (if you are enabling; if you are disabling, select any color) and then press Alt-T.
Actually you can set any color in the set color palette editor to be a transparent mask color including colors that you havent used yet in any tiles. So if you press Alt-T on a color and nothing seems to happen you can try drawing with that color in the tile you are working on to see the checkered pattern indicating transparency. Also note that if you have a custom palette that is mostly black you may not be able to see some of the things you would normally see in the editors. If you are using a custom palette send me a copy of it so i can test it out to see if it is showing everything it should.
Since in these days, supposedly, the earth was in an ice age, I added a stage which uses vikings and norse gods. Since ultima fans are crazy into that kind of angle. I wasn't going to add it then wheel of fortune had a bonus round where thor god of lightning was the answer and I took it as an omen (seeing how u4part2 had a wheel fortune bit in it)
Just when I was going to delete the map. cue twilight zone theme.
Other wise it would be too biblical. Gods aren't so crazy after all :) (cue falling coke bottle)
I've always enjoyed cross-over genre stuff. I like the way your brain works lol. Also would be hilarious if you included the tribesman from that movie in your game somewhere as a wandering npc you run into. His language involved tongue clicks didn't it? :D