4-Gate obsolete in Heart of the Swarm

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4-Gate obsolete in Heart of the Swarm

Post by pinback »

Get ready to say goodbye to everyone's least favorite opening: The Protoss 4-gate.

This will be obsolete upon release of Heart of the Swarm due to:

1. You can't warp in units on high ground from a pylon on low ground.

2. Mothership core's "purify" skill provides significant defense early on for Protoss.

This is all very good, because 4-gate is/was the most "broken" thing about SC2. That is, if you are protoss, and you are playing against another protoss, at most levels of play it worked like this:

1. If he 4-gated and you didn't, he won.
2. If you 4-gated and he didn't, you won.
3. So everyone 4-gated every time, just in case.

Thank you DUSTIN BROWDER for overseeing this fix! Thank you!

We will always have this to remember the 4-gate by:

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Post by RetroRomper »

I'm under the impression that both Banshee and Void ray rushes have been left as viable early game strats though.

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Post by pinback »

RetroRomper wrote:I'm under the impression that both Banshee and Void ray rushes have been left as viable early game strats though.
Void Ray rushes are as viable as ever, you are correct.


(Actually that's not true, because I think as of this writing, they removed the Evolution Chamber requirement for Spore Crawlers. So you're fucked. That'll probably get reversed, though, because that invalidates any early air play against Zerg entirely.)
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