Let's consider something. Jonsey claims to be the "producer" of the Don Rogers show. That makes him what is called in the entertainment business the
showrunner. If Jonsey really is the producer / showrunner of this program, then contacting guests (like me) for a show is his responsibility, it's
not that of the talent.
So I responded by saying that if Pinback felt his producer was inadequate, he should fire him. While I said it in crude terms, read what I said and realize
that is all I said: fire him. I made the mistake of replying 'all' instead of reply, but despite what I said, I do not believe it was an insult, it was simply a statement of the truth, as ugly as some people might feel it is.
The following was my reply to the e-mail I got.
From: Paul Robinson <paul>
To: Ben Parrish <deleted>
Cc: Robb Sherwin <deleted>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 12:31 AM
Subject: Re: Don Rogers Show, 1/25/13
> Hello Paul. I'm writing to you on behalf of my producer, Robb Sherwin, who continues to disappoint with
> his lack of dedication to the show and inability to properly prepare for and produce the goddamn thing.
> Would you be interested in coming on the show on 1/25 (next Thursday) to play a radio version of the 70's game show classic "The Match Game"? > If you are not familiar with the show, the game would feature you answering questions, and the other guests and the host trying to match your
> answers. I think it would be a lot of fun and would provide a rich source of comedy and and enjoying listening experience.
"Count Dracula said, 'My Cousin Sidney is the world's shortest Vampire. He can't bite you on the neck, he can only bite you on the __________.'"
As it was Match Game 1975 and they had to be somewhat clean - innuendos were okay but you can't be explicit - they probably said 'ankle,' today, people probably would say 'ass.' The contestant said "knee" and Richard Dawson comes out in song, "Oh I went to Transylvania with a vampire on my knee..."
Yeah, I know the Match Game. "Survey says!" Oh wait, that was a different game show with Richard Dawson. They once did an episode where one of the other regulars - I think it was Charles Nelson Reilly - switched with Gene Rayburn, and Gene was answering a question while Charles was hosting.
I always wondered how it would have been if Dawson had done a guest hosting spot on the show.
Or then again, there was the one that Howard Stern did on his show, as reported in Private Parts:
"_________ Willow" "I've got Pussy." "I've got a sloppy pussy."
"___________ a doodle doo." "Cock." "Can I say it even larger so there will be a big cock coming out of my mouth?"
> Let me know if that's something you'd want to be involved in, and I will schedule the game accordingly.
Yeah, sure.
> Thank you as always for your assistance, and I apologize again for Robb's failures.
So shitcan his ass and get someone who can do the show correctly.
So how exactly is that an insult? He said Jonsey was not doing the job right. I simply replied since he felt his producer was not doing the job, that he should fire him and get someone who could. While it was in crude terms, that was all that I said. I didn't say anything about how he acted or whether he was good or bad, all I said was he should replace him.