Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... the COCA-COLA FREESTYLE MACHINE:

"But Pinback, that looks dumb! It looks like a regular soft drink dispenser, except you just press which drink you want on a touchscreen instead of pressing different levers for different sodas!"
Ha. Haahaha. HAAA HAHA HAHAHAA! You poor dear, you naive thing, you child.
Go ahead. Fill your cup with ice from the handy dispenser. Then press the Coca-Cola icon of your choice.
Then watch as your life changes forever.
Because the Freestyle isn't done with you. Behind each of those icons is a sub-menu. NOW you fucked up. Now ya fucked up. Because now you get to choose from flavors incomprehensible and limitless!
Raspberry Diet Coke??!
Mello Yello Zero with GRAPE?!!?
Nothing makes sense anymore, and everything is wonderful. Wonderful, ice-cold bubbly waves of refreshment UNBEKNOWNST TO MAN!!!!!!!!!!
All from that one little tap. Just waiting for you.