He DID face the music. But he did it in a much more punishing way than going to jail.He could face the music when it came to being a lying, vicious sociopath to every single decent person at Miami Metro.
The whole arc of Dexter's story was that he started off as a monster who pretended to be human and slowly became human.
But by becoming human he realized what a giant piece of garbage he was and how his life had resulted in the death of every single person that mattered in his life. His father, his surrogate mother in Vogel, his wife, his sister all died as a direct result of his actions. And he realizes if he sticks around Harrison and Hannah will probably be next to go.
When he was a sociopath, he could deal and justify anything, but now that he is human, it's impossible. He finally realizes what a monster he actually was. He can no longer justify his actions. And all this ultimately leads to him having to kill the one person who met more to him than anything. And he dies right along with her.
That's why that last scene was so great. He looks directly at the camera, but there's no voice over. Every time he looked at the camera before there was a voice over. But now there was nothing. Because he's dead inside. He's not a serial killer anymore and he's not human anymore. He's just an empty shell wasting away in his own personal hell. The logic leap of going from the hurricane to mountain man was huge, but it was worth it for that one shot that said everything in it's subtetly.
Plus had he simply died driving into the hurricane, that would've been the most fraudulent ending ever because it would've been too heroic. Dexter killing himself to protect others from him? Bulllllllllshite. The whole point was that he realized he NEEDED to be punished, so he banished himself away. Killing himself would've been too easy and would've made him a sympathetic hero.
Which is something else I loved. They created a show where the audience loved and cheered for a sociopathic serial killer. And much of the audience was hoping for this maniac to get a happy ending. Instead it was the character himself who figured out what he was and what he deserved. Despite years of the "I only kill bad people" rationalization, he finally realized he was no better than anybody he killed. He was a brutal murdering psychopath. HE knew he didn't deserve to fly off into the sunset and live happily ever after even though all the fat housewives were still sitting at home going YAY DEXTER!!
Well, at least you watched it with an open mind. haha(and I knew it would be unwatchable when it started). And it was unwatchable.
No, I couldn't. And I know you couldn't either because you just wanna throw him in jail and do the most boring ending ever.You and I could have come up with a much better final Dexter series than what we got.
She had a stroke. That happens every day. Even in hospitals.Getting shot in the abdomen resulted in brain death? Oh, the bullet "bounced around a lot." I guess it bounced so much that it nicked her brain stem.
After you did such a good job of convincing me Breaking Bad doesn't suck a pile of dicks? GOOD LUCK.Dexter was awful and I am putting the rest of my life on pause until I've convinced you.