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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I assume the show "Arrow" is terrible, because they were too scared to just call it fucking "Green Arrow."

Is it terrible?

Does the guy look like the Green Arrow, or what is going on?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by lethargic »

Actually they don't even call him "Arrow" in the show. He's called "The Hood".

But at least that has a point. The idea is that he's not really a super hero yet. He's just got this list of names that he's out to kill to avenge his father. He just wants to do this and get out. He's not out to be a hero, so he hasn't earned the Green Arrow name yet. It's about him working his way up to become that hero. It's like Breaking Good. From the previews of next season it seems to suggest by the end of this season he'll be The Green Arrow.

As a die hard fan of DC comics and Green Arrow, I find the show to be aggravating. The Arrow/Hood thing is just the tip of the iceberg. They change several things like that for no reason. The worst example being the name of the city. Green Arrow operates in Star City. But for the show they renamed it Starling city. It makes no sense. What did that accomplish? They took Dinah Laurel Lance from the comics and renamed her Laurel Dinah Lance. WHY? Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance have been together for 50 years as Green Arrow and Black Canary. And Laurel just sounds dumb when people say it so much.

But the most aggravating thing is that they throw in all these wink wink, nod nod things to show hey, look, see, we've read comic books!! That shit makes my eyes roll every single episode. They named one of the main characters Diggle and I'm like oh, I get it, Andy Diggle was the guy who wrote the Green Arrow Year One comic. They have Oliver nickname his little sister Speedy. Oh, I get it, like his sidekick! They mention Markovia, oh, cool, the country Geo-Force is from? WOW! They mention Corto Maltese, oh the place that got nuked in Dark Knight Returns? They have a main character named Felicity Smoak who was Firestorm's step-mother. The guy who trains Oliver is Yao Fei who was Accomplished Perfect Physician in DC's Great Ten all chinese super hero team. Yet, the Great Ten had a guy called The Celestial Archer, why not use him?? It just goes on and on. In the last episode the villain was explaining how he came to be trained as an archer and he starts saying something like "I was lost and wanted to die but I found myself in a place called..." and I said don't say NANDA PARBAT "...Nanda Parbat" OH YOU COCKSUCKERS!!! Of course the worse part is that the show has a Deathstroke character AND a Slade Wilson character. Slade Wilson IS Deathstroke. And for this season they've announced that Black Canary is joining the show, yet she won't be Dinah Lance. They've also announced Sin is joining the show. In the comics Sin was Black Canary's adopted 10 year old daughter who was trained to be an assassin. On the show she will be a teenage homeless runaway. So just call her something else!!

The reason it makes my eyes roll is because none of this stuff matters. They just indiscriminately use names of people and places but they don't use the ACTUAL characters and places. So it has become a show of constant Easter eggs. Like they used The Blackhawks on an episode. The Blackhawks were a group of superhero fighter pilots in WWII. But in the show they're a security company. They used Vertigo. But since the show doesn't allow superpowers, he's just a drug dealer.

The other thing that aggravates me is that it's basically a remake of Batman Begins with a fraction of the budget. That was something else that made my eyes roll. It's a blatant attempt to make Christopher Nolan's Arrow without Christopher Nolan. Camera shots are straight out of Batman Begins. Set design looks like Batman Begins. The music sounds like a knock of Hans Zimmer. His security guard is basically Alfred. Laurel Lance has been made a lawyer who is basically the exact same character that Katie Holmes played. Queen Incorporated looks exactly like Wayne Enterprises. The season finale was the exact same storyline as the final act of Batman Begins. The villain tries to use a device to destroy the city, the costumed hero enlists the help of the only cop on the force he trusts to foil the plan. It's the exact same story.

I mean, none of this makes the show BAD. It's just aggravating to me. As an action/superhero show it's good. I would say it's better than the first half of Smallville, not as good as the second half of Smallville. Once Smallville's showrunners got switched that show got really good because instead of ignoring the comics, like the previous showerunners did, they completely embraced them. I mean the friggin Justice Society was on there. In full costume and everything. I never thought I'd see a live action Hawkman or Doctor Fate. It was awesome. But if the Justice Society showed up in Arrow they'd probably be a neighborhood watch program.

The show is probably better for people who have no ties whatsoever to the comics. If I didn't know who all these people were it wouldn't annoy me. If I hadn't seen Batman Begins 20 times it wouldn't annoy me. But it's hard me to fully enjoy it while my eyes are rolling every five minutes.

But the second season looks better than the first. They're bringing in The Flash for 5 episodes and then they're spinning him off into his own show. So that gives me hope that they're going to start bringing in super powers.

I write a lot of words when super heroes are brought up.

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Post by lethargic »

I just thought I'd bring back this fantastic conversation to say the second season of Arrow is GREAT.

It is really becoming the first great DC show that is actually taking advantage of the DC Universe.

First of all, he's already made the transition into being a real hero and ended "The Hood" crap. He's even starting to use more "trick" arrows. Plus Black Canary has showed up and is in full Black Canary gear, not some crappy "realistic" version. The League of Assassins has shown up with hints that Ra's Al Ghul is coming. Bronze Tiger showed up. Amanda Waller is coming up soon. Her, Bronze Tiger, Deathstroke and Deadshot being on the show sure seem to suggest a Suicide Squad union coming up. Flash is going to show up in the next few episodes. Everything is coming together and it's showing it's not afraid to be comic book-y like Smallville was in it's early years.

Meanwhile Marvel's Agents of Shield has pretty much nothing at all to do with Marvel comics. It's just a really shitty action show with a bunch of annoying, generic characters that mean nothing. It would seem like this show could've easily been used for C and D level Marvel characters that will never get a movie. Instead it's just a bunch of pretty white people in suits striking action poses and reading wooden dialogue. But every once in a while somebody will say "gamma rays" or something and everybody goes OOOOOHOHH!!!

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Post by lethargic »

Now DC is making a HOURMAN TV show. HOURMAN!!!!!


So if everything falls into place, the next TV season will have Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, Hourman and the Wonder Woman show Amazon.


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Post by gsdgsd »

lethargic wrote:Now DC is making a HOURMAN TV show. HOURMAN!!!!!
That's awesome. Is Hourman even around in the DC universe these days? I hope there's some television executive somewhere that's lost his mind and is just going to green light anything based on old Justice Society members.

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Post by lethargic »

I honestly don't know. Since they brought back multiple Earths, all the JSA characters are confined to Earth 2. They only have one book, called Earth 2, that covers ALL the superheroes of Earth 2 and I don't read it.

The show is apparently not going to be based on the modern Hourman who gets superpowers for an hour, but based on the original version who saw the future one hour from now and could stop stuff.

If they wanted to do a show about a guy with visions, I'd like to see Sandman instead.

Apparently Miraclo was mentioned on Arrow last week and that's the drug that gave Hourman is powers. I guess it might be another show spinning out of that.

Also I just read NBC is developing Constantine for next season. 6 DC SHOWS! I need a new DVR.

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Post by RetroRomper »

Am I the only person who didn't enjoy Smallsville and cringes whenever I hear about a new superhero television show?

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Post by lethargic »

RetroRomper wrote:Am I the only person who didn't enjoy Smallsville and cringes whenever I hear about a new superhero television show?
Of course not. A lot of people are no fun fuddy duddies!

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Post by lethargic »

More good news for Retro!

Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and The Defenders TV series were announced today!

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Post by gsdgsd »

lethargic wrote:If they wanted to do a show about a guy with visions, I'd like to see Sandman instead.
"Sandman Mystery Theater" was one of my favorite comics back when. I'm fully on board with that.

This all sounds great. Even if they suck, it'll be enough of a trip seeing Hourman (Hourman!!) and Iron Fist and the others on TV to satisfy me.

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Post by lethargic »

iZombie, another DC property, announced today. haha

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Post by RetroRomper »

lethargic wrote:More good news for Retro!

Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and The Defenders TV series were announced today!
What I expect to see:


Though to be fair, I have a place in my heart for the early super hero cartoons and movies, but all of this has gone a bit overboard.

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Post by lethargic »

RetroRomper wrote:Though to be fair, I have a place in my heart for the early super hero cartoons and movies, but all of this has gone a bit overboard.
If it wasn't superhero shows he'd just be more cop shows.

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Post by lethargic »

It'd just be more cop shows. Sorry, I can't edit.

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Post by The Happiness Engine »

Man, you guys are just LIVID over how bad you suck at converting thoughts into a method other people can understand.

Do they have community colleges near you? I bet they have some English Composition classes.

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Post by lethargic »

The Happiness Engine wrote:Man, you guys are just LIVID over how bad you suck at converting thoughts into a method other people can understand.
Livid? Not hardly. Think it's the most stupidly retarded thing I've ever heard so I enjoy poking fun at it? Yes.
Do they have community colleges near you? I bet they have some English Composition classes.
I'll take that right after you take etiquette class and learn to be less of a cunty twat.

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Post by RetroRomper »

lethargic wrote:It'd just be more cop shows.
I'd be pissy about vampire shows.

On the other hand, is anyone here willing to sell me on the Vampire Diaries?

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Post by lethargic »

RetroRomper wrote:On the other hand, is anyone here willing to sell me on the Vampire Diaries?
Only person I know who tried to watch that was my mother and she didn't finish the first episode.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

lethargic wrote:They took Dinah Laurel Lance from the comics and renamed her Laurel Dinah Lance. WHY? Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance have been together for 50 years as Green Arrow and Black Canary. And Laurel just sounds dumb when people say it so much.
I have started to watch this show and caught this. This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen a television show do.

I guess I will add my thoughts to this thread as I watch the show. I expect to hate it, but lots of people seem to like it?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Whoa, the Green Arrow's friend told him the winners of the last five Super Bowls and they were the actual winners of the Super Bowl, including the Saints. I'm back in!!!?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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