What non-game video games should I be playing?

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What non-game video games should I be playing?

Post by RetroRomper »

I've been exploring the whole "art game" scene over the past few weeks and was curious if anyone wanted to suggest a "MUST PLAY!" title?

So far I have played (or still am playing):

Dear Escher
To The Moon
Amnesia series

To be played:

Stanley Parable

Anything else I should be looking at?[/code][/b]

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The Sun
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


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Post by pinback »

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

This was a good idea for a thread, and I ruined it by saying that you should look straight into the Sun.

On the other hand, I have found that most art games are seriously over-rated. So I couldn't help. I wished... I wish I could.
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Post by lethargic »

I'm playing Gone Home. Does that count? All you do is walk around and pick up stuff then put it back down. haha

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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:This was a good idea for a thread, and I ruined it by saying that you should look straight into the Sun.

On the other hand, I have found that most art games are seriously over-rated. So I couldn't help. I wished... I wish I could.
I agree with this. I would count Stanley Parable, probably Gone Home based on lethargic's description, Proteus, and any of that Rohrer stuff highly overrated.

I consider Dear Esther only slightly overrated.

But yes, they're all overrated. This is because they are all built to convey a message, but the messages are always from the minds of precocious 19-24 year olds who all think they have the world fucking figured out. As 40 year olds, we remember having these thoughts, and then remember when we realized they were all bullshit.

Fuck it:

Lake of Roaches is the only non-game game that is any good. And it takes five minutes. Go get it. There is no message other than there is a lake of roaches and you are a couple of dumb hillbillies.

http://gamejolt.com/games/adventure/lak ... hes/15060/
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Post by RetroRomper »

I'm developing a deeper sense of appreciation for games that are trying to break the mold, as Proteus is the only video game released this decade that I feel better for having played. Maybe it is nostalgia, but it captured a sort of wonder, awe and sense of discovery that has been absent from my life since the age of 20 or so.

In general, I'm OKAY with games that try to recreate how life, time and feeling progress as opposed to trying to remove you to another world.

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Post by lethargic »

Gone Home was really fun and had great atmosphere. Then it ended. Most infuriating ending ever. I walked around picking up 3 ring binders and coffee cups for two hours FOR THIS?

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