Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

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Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

Post by RetroRomper »

Included as part of the Humble Bundle Weekly Sale, after watching the Gaea Mission trailer, a number of long dormant neurons associated with Battle Zone 2 fired off and I became intrigued.

Sooo... I'm going to play this game and report back on if its just another "me too" knock off of a classic title or truly worthy of the time of the fine denizens of this forum.

Wish me luck!

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Post by lethargic »

I am very tempted to buy this week's bundle.

I've always wanted to play that Day Z mod but didn't want to invest into buying the actual game.

But I'm really a one PC game type of guy and I'm currently playing two. So I'm already overdoing it. I just don't know if I'd ever get around to actually playing them. And by then the standalone Day Z will probably be out.

I was also intrigued by that Carrier Command as well.

Does anybody have any opinion on these games? Are they worth the whopping investment of 6 dollars?

Take On Helicopters
UFO: Afterlight
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
Alpha Prime
Arma Tactics
Arma II
Arma II Operation Arrowhead
Day Z mod

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Post by RetroRomper »

OKAY - I haven't played these games, but I've seen the trailers, read synopses, etc and developed a "one pass" feel for them after paying attention to them for about five minutes when they were released:

Take On Helicopters - generic Helicopter simulator, very "rough" and "me too!" feel as they aped SimCopter.

UFO: Afterlight - poorly made X-Com clone (feels like a shovel ware title)

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission - Absolutely no idea, but the game brought me back to Battle Zone 2 which was why I was intrigued.

Alpha Prime - a rash of poorly produced scifi FPSes were produced in the early 2000s' and this feels like it firs the mold.

Arma & Arma II - this series seemed like Delta Warrior meets Modern Warfare and a bit of a cash in on the genre.

Day Z mod - the most talked of and highest rated game of the bunch.

Soooooooo..... Unless anyone wants to play Day Z (which is absurdly fun) I'd pass on this bundle (entrance fee is only $6, which is better than any Steam Sale). Personally still interested in Gaea simply because I'd enjoy a Battlezone clone of some kind, but that is about it.

Verdict: $6 for Day Z is worth it if you like well produced zombie, open world games.

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Post by RetroRomper »

Still trying to get through Gaea: the first two missions of the game are an average FPS that leads up to acquiring a carrier that activates the strat. portion of it.

Give me a little more time!

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Post by lethargic »

You're doing better than me. I'm still waiting for some ebay cocksucker's money to go in my paypal before I buy it.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I want to do a thread somewhere about those "title.jpg" bars that all games seem to have. The ones that you see on Steam and those bundle sites. What makes a good title.jpg? I am sure I could make very POOR ones. I could make one that was terrible for Cyberganked.

I need to communicate the genre of the game, the graphics style and probably put a hot chick there. But at the same time, you don't get much space.

Looking at a lot of the representative graphics for the games in that bundle, the best one is Arma: Tactics. With the name of the game and the way it has four little dudes pointing guns toward the camera, I was like, "this is probably a squad-based tactics game." It is, apparently!

Also, that makes me want to get the bundle, cos I like those kinds of games!
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I bought the bundle for $4, doesn't sound like you guys loved the games for more than the average.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by lethargic »

Well, I went ahead and bought the whole bundle even though this ebay cocksucker's money still hasn't went in. These games better be worth 6 dollars!!!

I found out Arma is the spiritual successor to Operation Flashpoint, by it's original creators, now I am very excited because I loved the OF game I played.

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Post by RetroRomper »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I bought the bundle for $4, doesn't sound like you guys loved the games for more than the average.
I always pay just at the average or pony up the $6 for the full pack. Sure my logic is exactly the same as the company "I'll pay that extra four or five dollars to have ALL THE GAMES!" otherwise I feel as if I missed out.

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Post by RetroRomper »

They added Fish Fillets 2 to the pack!


Little Nemo + X-Files =

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Post by lethargic »

Added Arma: Cold War Assault too. I looked it up and that is actually the original Operation Flashpoint game re-branded to Arma.

After I bought the bundle I couldn't figure out why I had so many games. Went back to the page and said OOOOoooOOooOOOooOOH!!

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Post by lethargic »

My first Humble Bundle is going great.

Tried Cold War Assault. It is GOD AWFUL. It was impossible to play.

Tried Arma: Gold Edition. It won't launch.

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Post by lethargic »

Arma II plays but the menus flash as if everything is being clicked a million times a minute. I can get into the game, I just can't change any options.

This is going great.

Oh well, I'm burning through these games and getting to try Day Z a lot quicker than anticipated.

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Post by lethargic »

Arma sucks a dick and DayZ is even worse. I hope that fish game is good.

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Post by lethargic »

I went all this time without buying these Humble Bundles and now I've done bought 2.

Up until last week all I had was ONE free game on my Steam account. Now I have 27.

And I'm playing Civ V instead.

White people problems.

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