First time listener (of a random archived 2013 show)

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First time listener (of a random archived 2013 show)

Post by Garth's Equipment Shop »

Just finished listening to my first Don Rogers show. It was dubbed by Don "The Mellow Hour" and took place in a coffee and cheese shop.

It opened with a gag news segment by Aardvark. Great radio voice btw Aardvark. Did you throw those annoying sound effects into your news bit or was that Don's editing for his show? They just came off to me as out of place audio-graffitti defacing your art form and whoever added them deserves a demerit. ;)

Then there was the famous sound bite from the movie Network, "i'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"

Don then proceeds with the show, mostly talking to one caller lamenting the impending loss of his job (which he had a part in facilitating - which he likens to digging his own grave and somehow likening his personal experience to the holocaust) and his future prospects which include giving handjobs to strangers on the street. That in itself held some amusement but I became more and more interested in Don's interactions with the coffee/cheese shop setting he kept describing.

ICJ called in briefly from his car enroute somewhere. And I think Flack may have also got in there somewhere though both being named Rob it was kind of hard to be sure. But I definitely heard Don mention both Rob Ohara and Rob Sherwin.

At some point there was a great 80's sound bite of ex-Baptist preacher and comedic icon Sam Kinisin describing, in the way only he can, how Jesus was the only man to ever rise from his grave without creating a panic. He describes in his characteristic overthetop fashion how he imagines such an event would go down today, how eye witnesses would surely react to a corpse crawling out of his grave.

Another sound bite from a stand up comic Brian Regan is heard later in the show on the topic of loitering not worthy of being called a crime and manslaughter being the worst named crime ever. And he does his impression of a loiterer and man-slaughterer in a jail asking each other what they're in for. Very funny stuff.

The real hilarity though ensued near the end of the show when Don suddenly has had enough of the terrible service and the noisy crowd in the shop and we hear him light some matches, then we hear flames crackling, then the background crowd noises we'd gotten used to hearing throughout the hour turns to a crowd of screams. Don says thats right, take your cheese and run! lol. I was rolling.

Then he mentions getting through a whole show without resorting to calling Paul who I assume to be Tdarcos. But with only 6 minutes to go he ends up calling him and fills him in on what they had just been talking about which was the proposed new Taco Bell value menu.

And here is how I got the impression it was Tdarcos. Instead of continuing the existing discussion already in progress or at least some remotely relevent tangent off that he shares a joke he heard years ago about the Gulf War being televised so much. Someone asked why CNN canceled that great Gulf War show.

We immediately hear the sound of crickets lol. Then Don asks Bradly Smith to proceed with the serving of demerits. "Violation - Failing to provide any semblence of perspective - 6 demerits. Too damn funny! :D

Then wrapping up the show we hear Rush playing interspersed with little comments here and there from Don. Something about ordering slices of american cheese and instant coffee at the cheese and coffee shop. Rush starts getting on his nerves so he tells Rush to shut up. Rush keeps playing so we hear the matches light a fire again and the music is replaced with the sound of people screaming.


I give this show two thumbs up. I want to listen to all of them now. Why is it I always discover great stuff like this only after it is no longer being produced? Guess thats just the way it is for one forever stuck in retroland such as myself. Hope to see more stuff like this produced in the future.
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Post by pinback »

The Don Rogers Show is currently down for retooling.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I have tried once a week for the last six months to get DON to get back on the air.

I really don't understand what the problem is.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The show is officially dead. I will make an IF Archive page for it. You have people, like Garth, practically begging DON to start the show up for one last hurrah.

Like six more episodes and a Christmas special.

And he won't do it. It makes me s-- it makes me want to commit manslaughter. Only the person I want to slaughter is no kind of man.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I thought I was finished, but I am not.

If we had grown the show organically, we would have listeners and followers by now. Maybe we could have paid the Throwback Network hundreds of dollars to get in good with them.

Instead, look at this. Look at this! Look at the nothing we have become.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by pinback »

Why is everyone so quick to throw dirt on this project?
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Post by AArdvark »

Possibly because if the project hadn't been nailed to the perch it would be pushing up daises by now.


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Post by AArdvark »

Oh, and the news sounders between stories and the effects were all me, don't blame Don (except for all the news segments you DIDN'T hear because of RETOOLING.)


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Post by Garth's Equipment Shop »

Ever since listening to that show I've been inspired to start collecting sound bites from all the movies and other media I watch or listen to. So whenever you guys get the next online radio project going I'll be ready to contribute! Just recorded an awesome 21 second sound bite from a movie. A crazy sounding truck driver talking about an electronic dead zone and his government/ufo conspiracy theory for it.
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Post by AArdvark »

So ready for the next episode! Now that Don has moved to Eastern Standard Time I can actually call in without staying up till 1AM


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